
Key farming maybe?

Dibs on the Iron Throne!

Dibs on the Iron Throne!

The second run of the summoning pits was incredibly difficult as level 26. Me and a buddy ended up beating it by having one of us hide under the platform and the other suicide repeatedly. If you got one kill before death, it was progress.

I prefer my Fatebringer paired with my Ice Breaker, over my Thorn. The Thorn just seems to slow for head to head.

Literally in the next sentence.

In Morrowind you could permanently stack fortified stats by equipping and dropping gear in a certain manner. You could buff stats like jump to the point where you would go up, but never come back down... lol.

Maybe if you enslaved two children to take each half it would be possible.


That thing is just waiting to be knocked over by a cat.

Umm.. Phrasing.

Maybe he can detach his eye to get a better look?

I frequently only click on particular articles, to see what the commentators have to say about the topic. Not to say that I don't actually read other articles.

Not everyone. I did not know that the Xbox version would actually be lacking playable content. I thought all of the exclusives with the Playstation version was regarding aesthetic content.

I think robots, at best, would classify as a different species.

Don't do it man. I've found that almost everything bacon flavored just tasted like concentrated ham/what dog food smells like.

Why don't you just make 5 better and make 5 be the top number and make that a little better?

What I am looking forward to the most with the OR, is not gimmicky games like what happened with moition control. I'm more excited about just playing regular FPS games, but with an increased perspective of the world by being able to free look independent of the turning and aiming.

Its because it takes two eyes to use the Oculus properly.

No details on how it actually happened. Maybe the door closed in less than twelve parsecs, and Ford's reactions aren't what they used to be...