I know it's too late now... but you should have tried renaming them with MP3tag ([www.mp3tag.de]) it can rename mp3s based on the metadata in the file.
I know it's too late now... but you should have tried renaming them with MP3tag ([www.mp3tag.de]) it can rename mp3s based on the metadata in the file.
I believe the functionality you're looking for is built into TeraCopy ([www.codesector.com]) among other useful features.
Or instead of using a new chopstick you can use your old chopsticks... #recycle
I feel like the only thing shown here is that a lot of people are bad at doing simple math in their heads...
It took Google a while but they currently do have video chat native to linux
After they are uploaded to Google Docs they can then be downloaded automatically to anywhere on your hard drive with [www.syncdocs.com] including to your dropbox folder :)
I know these days most people don't care but what is the memory usage for these apps?
@CamJN no, I'm working for Northrop in Hollywood MD, for the summer
If you open BTT in the top left there is an advanced / simple switch, if you select advanced you see a "tab" called "Action Settings (Window Snapping etc.)" that will let you setup the Win7 areo snap like functions on your mac. (I set it all up a long time ago but still it's in the current version I have)
Does it tell you how to delete a gawker / lifehacker account, because I think that would be slightly ironic.
BetterSnapTool's functionality is actually build into BetterTouchTool. Last I checked BetterTouchTool is free directly from the dev's website. [blog.boastr.net]
Computer Engineer (almost graduated, 9hrs left) writing code for control systems for UAVs for a summer internship.
@asokksoo I have everything setup with rss feeds but I still come to the actual site just to read comments.
I'm starting a software project (developing an Adroid app) with a friend and we need a code repo that will be accessible over the internet since we're in different places, we can share a dropbox folder but I really want something that will handle versioning and merging of code. Any suggestions?
@skid-vicious Portal 1 or 2 might be a decent first game for someone like that kotaku (a sister gawker site) even had an article about it [kotaku.com] or you might try something that's not real time, maybe a turn based strategy game, I don't play many turn based ones so I can't suggest any myself.
I love the BetterTouchTool with it, it's one of the few reasons I still even use my macbook pro. I have so many gestures setup. I can open a new tab, close a tab, cycle through open tabs, i can do almost everything right from my touchpad, it's totally opposite of my work style on my other computers which is keyboard…
At least you have one in a semi-nearby mall... The closest one is over 150 miles from where I am. So I'll just have to eat the ice cream in my freezer.
I use [on-my.tv] and google calendar. I copied the iCal download link into google calendar which gives me a nice clean way of tracking my tv shows, and google calendar can notify me how ever I chose.
What about something that lets you have normal scrolling in Lion?
I have been using this for several years, I like it, one of the unusual features is the anagrammer it can be useful in scrabble... although some would consider that cheating.