
@Nivenus: I think that's got to be a big part of it. It has to be a break from the Tim Burton type characters, and from "serious" roles like in Public Enemies, and in the new film The Tourist. He is clearly very comfortable with the role of Captain Jack by now.

@sollipse: True, and unlike MGM, Disney is well funded, and likely to release the movies they start.

This article reminds me of two ideas about the interaction of humans and bird populations.

@Ceropegius: It's a good point, vultures and other carrion eaters dispose of carcasses faster and more efficiently than simple decomposition. Probably results in less opportunity for pathogens to multiply, or more dangerous predators to be attracted.

@tallchair: Yep, read that on io9 previously, 5 & 6 which will be filmed back to back.

@picrad: It looks like Mr. Depp said "yes" to two more sequels. As I understand it, they are filming them back to back.

@hdgotham (Hannah Wilson): I feel the same way. I've always thought the PotC movies were a little on the lighter side. On the other hand, I spent Sunday before last watching several of them in a marathon and enjoying them a lot (I think it was on SyFy).

@Eldritch: I'm with you Eldritch! The io9er's are a great virtual community. We'll survive this and learn from it.

@zapan: That sounds like a good backstory for # 3. I like the drawing more with your explanation than I did at first.

@WookieLifeDay: OK, I understand the distinction you're making, and I can agree with your point. Rewriting a classic work is one thing, but writing an original work with historical characters is diffrent, and I would think more difficult from a creative standpoint.

@muteboy: There's one theory that the xenomorph Aliens are a bioweapon employed by the Space Jockey aliens. One that got out of control.

@janeowyn: Well it looks like at least he's consistently playing the same quirky character in all six PoC movies.

@Chinedu Opara: I also think the SF guide is better. I do read fantasy, so my reasoning isn't really based on that.

@Darksider1972: I'm with you on that. Goldfish are pretty resilient, but I'm hoping no fishes are harmed during the production of this art.

@Chinedu Opara: Got to agree with you about the book. I spent years finding and reading the source books that the aliens in Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials were taken from.

@b33g33: The lateral structures are its wings, it uses them to swim in the water, and sail through space on the solar wind.

@gods-n-clods: Good point! Brownies are more theater-friendly.

@99TelepodProblems: Precisely, wasn't this the way the Neo-Cons campaigned on the issue of a national constitutional amendment to prevent same sex marriage (even though it was regarded as unlikely to be approved)? Then once elected, dropped the issue altogether. Divide and concur by any means expedient.

@Exploriens: I would suppose it will matter to whatever else is around.

@Meirelle: Do it! It's a great book, as are the other books set in the same universe: Tangled Up In Blue, World's End, and The Summer Queen. I have all of them on my shelf right now. Another good thing is you can probably find used copies since these are older books . . .