
LOL you look like a post-menopausal Maude Lebowski.

Nah, lets file this under “Weird feminist wants to talk about kids and sex”


It was not rude at all. If Jezebel writers are too lazy to proofread their own writing, they deserve to be called out on it.

LOL. That journalism degree sure didn’t help her during the UVA fiasco.

Because she works for Jezebel, an offshoot of the disgraced Gawker Media empire? And she is as big a fuck up as anyone working for that company, as evidenced by when she went all in on the UVA scandal and then proceeded to show her entire ass in the fallout.

I don’t get the point of this article at all. Why is this newsworthy?

Yeah, fuck you too, Erin. Your state gave us Trump, and your real home state gave us Jessie Ventura and Bachmann.

He wants to fuck dat ass sitting on his lap, obviously.

Probably in the same way a Jezebel blogger is considered a “journalist.”

Because women cannot do anything wrong and cannot be criticized in Jezebel’s version of reality.

Jia wrote a 1,000 word hot take on an anonymous internet comment.

LOL at deadspin aiming for prestige.

Erin carrying on the long-standing tradition of Jezebel writers, like Rebecca and Lindy before her, thinking they are funnier than they actually are.

Sounds like you’re just defensive that you wrote a piece better suited for xoJane.

Yes, lets be more like Iran.

You are emotionally barren, and will be physically barren in a few years. No one gives a shit about your opinion on children or parental leave.

That is because you are, quite literally, a fucking baby.

Flygirl has been across the board awful. Terrible stuff pretty much every article.

Because she has other people writing her sketches.