
We could teach it, we could even teach it in two languages and become ourselves millionaires while doing so.

I feel like there should be classes about this. Like, every single person should get “How to Recognize Abuse” classes starting in....maybe 2nd grade?

Yeah, I read that essay from Laura, too, some years ago. Read it twice cause I was like ‘what in the ENTIRE hell is this ish?’ And, like you, I was shocked that her strategy worked. Until I came across this a couple of years ago:

Oh damn. I just figured it out.

Once a woman says shes done, she done. The only way to be seen with new eyes is to become a new person. Mature, respectful of boundaries, respectful with disagreements, truly co-parent and generally have your shit together.

Just by this letter I don’t think you are done with your childish games. You made her become a

Yeah, except just getting laid doesn’t get you back with that ex you laid all that groundwork with.

Not Snapped, she’d have to be the stalker, if he’s the stalker it’s Dateline I.D.

I see you have never had the great, good fortune of loving someone who turned out to be a narcissist.

I mean, how does “I didn’t exactly handle the pressures of expected fatherhood well” translate into a restraining order?

I love how Landon chose to use his good words when describing a restraining order (court-ordered no contact). Bruh....a year and a half? It took Rainbow Fish a year and a half to recover from your stalking fuckery? Just leave her alone. If you can pull it together for your child, then be a parent. But this ship done

You just wanna see if this turns into a snapped episode

Agitha: The inner conscious we all deserve. We are not worthy of these consistent reads and reminders for those lacking common sense. You remain a light of calm in a sea of consistnet fuckery.

come on. Think about all the bullshit that women put up with because conditioning and sexism.

So Landon basically wants to And I Am Telling You his way back into Rainbow Fish’s heart, meanwhile she took out a whole restraining order. You know how tedious that is? She meant business.

I wasted a lot of time not believing Maya Angelou’s famous quote: “when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Similarly, when someone tells you to leave them alone (“I don’t have time for a relationship,” “I’d be a bad boyfriend,” “There’s no hope for us”), you absolutely have to believe them

I read your Facebook posts, and I had no idea this was happening, but here’s to a new life and a new bae, sis! <3

I love that you dropped the New Bae line at the bottom like you dropped the newly single line in that afcebook post. Lol!!!

Pretty soon you won’t be able to do pepperoni pizza after 6pm either. It happens, sorry. The good news, it IS happening, which means you’ve made it this far.

And there goes the lashes lol

Black women are good and easy to beat up on. Especially in sports. Now I’m going to watch this show every night just to support.