
1. “Love TKO” by Teddy Pendergrass, because I’ve never seen anyone who wasn’t Black listen to this song.

This was a dope read. I always heard stories about the struggle of freelance writers getting their coinage (the part about black publications and wages, I hope you delve more into in the future) and this is real insight into the struggle.

Whew.......I wasn’t ready.

One of my oldest friends just came to visit. Even though we have a spare six-slot USB hub and some extra charging cables for when visitors come - yeah, I’m organized - that man came with all of his chargers. He did borrow my USB-C for a bit until he could unpack, but he was like “don’t move your charger, it’s fine

This is one of the reasons America is so attractive for immigrants, picking up the cultural narratives are very simple. Any Euro-trash can come here and immediately elevate themselves above the negroes without even having to make an effort. They move on up by just moving a few thousand miles.

The audacious part was her Sarah plain and tall ass calling Serena thick as if that’s a bad thing. That’s the lens of self-congratulatory whiteness. I double dog dare anyone to attempt to describe Serena without noting her body is the truth. I consider myself straight as a pin and my hubby and I both look at her like,

She looks awesome and is thick as fuck.

Probable midnight DMs from Jason Whitlock?

Sharapova knows the only way she’s going to sell any books is by trying to make Black women mad and have Serena haters co-signing her nonsense.

She means “strong enough to whip that ass over and over again” when she says “thick.”

“sex with Taye Diggs” Haaaaaaaa! *goes back to reading

Throw a gun in there and you have a full on gang bang

Rats are scary. A clear omission on my part.

Yes. I am done being at work when I am at work, the last thing I want is to see Carol for free.

We need to add Rats to this list. As well as having no internet connection/cable at your house. Both of these things are beyond tragic.

Lawd, I fainted for you. Waterbugs are one of God’s creations that I just think we’d be better off without. Yuck

Nobody wearing linen or sundresses? Nah, I’m good. I ain’t going over there.

I have a serious fear of someone getting on my computer and going through my VSB comments.

11. Company outings