
Mr. Coates came for everybody in that piece today. Like Gramma with that switch, Bernie caught some, Hillary caught some....Not that it will change na a thing.

“What white people have to do is try to find out in their own hearts why it was necessary to have a nigger in the first place, because I’m not a nigger. I’m a man. But if you think I’m a nigger, it means you need it.” I was just talking about this on my Facebook page, in regards to the Dreamers. James Baldwin gave

Issa forever mood.

“You sleep on beds with no top sheets. Just mattress and comforter. And not because you can’t afford sheets. But because you’re just triflin’.”

I imagined this was Dustin shade in my head.

Like, I’m pretty sure you’re plotting against me right now so I’m looking at you crazy.

I really think my cynicism has saved me from a lot. I’m too suspicious. I’d be in that Scientology meeting like, “y’all don’t think signing a billion-year contract is weird?”

Here’s the real question, fam.......

I watch those videos and the urge to call bullshit on some of their claims to fame and wealth is almost over powering. I’ve seen enough VH1 docs about bankrupt artists to know that usually the first song they don’t make much on. All I see is a negative bank account when they flash watches and stuff.

lol exactly. When I read that I was like “How is that different from the vast majority of popular artist?”

Dear Jesus I forgot how basic MIMs is.

They did.. and C mon Rode That Train is STILL getting them paid.

My Boo wouldn’t count because it wasn’t a solo album... it was a DJ’s compilation of hot shit in Atlanta.. now that album was the shit.. I still bang it.


“she seems to have absolutely no innate lyrical talent, which essentially means she would have to ride another hot beat to chart domination”

Cardi is about as good as any of these other trap rappers out now but folks love to hate on her. She good. Gonna stay good mainly cause she gutter and know it. She stacking coins in places you and I haven’t even thought of. Promise.

Man that joint banged, had the whole summer on lock, and the hook just had everyone shit talking to each other’s faces all reckless.

Cheapskate was a summer banger back in the day. I may or may not have said the hook to women at college when I was young, dumb, and full of you-know-what. LOL

Didnt 95 South turn into Quad City Djs tho??

Now playing

Actually, Sporty Thievez had another hit before No Pigeons: Cheapskate.

That Cool Breeze album bangs.