That makes the new Silverado look good
I would assume that autonomous driving BMW’s won’t use turn signals either.
The thing I like least is the distance presets for cruise control. My experience on a recent 15-hour drive in a rental was someone in an adjacent lane moved into the preset gap, driving slower than the previous car I was following, and then my vehicle slows down. Then another car moves into that gap, and I’m going…
God help us if BMW ever implement this.
Several years ago, my wife was shopping for a new car. She put together a spreadsheet (she loves spreadsheets) before we went to the dealers. She showed the spreadsheet to one of the salesmen, and he just handed over the keys for us to take the test drive ourselves. He didn’t wanna waste his time on a well-informed…
But what’s the alternative? Me taking my business elsewhere. Either you might lose my business through me shopping around, or you will lose my business by not giving me what I ask for. Which one gets you a better chance of making money?
This is pretty much spot on. With the internet available, I’m shocked that some dealers still get away with these games. When shopping for one car recently, I got no response online within a day and went to the dealer for a test drive. They of course “couldn’t find the keys” to the model I wanted to drive, but had the …
That's exactly right.
More reasons the dealership model needs to adapt or perish.
No interior shots and it’s been lowered with a loud exhaust and 114K on the clock?
No, they don’t, but clearly this cop’s decision making was on the right track.
This is the kind of thing they don’t train you for in the academy.
Should HAVE left him there.
You’re welcome.