
I hadn’t heard of Robert Moses before. He sounds like an utter bastard.

while I agree that the racist charicatures in 2 are awful I do feel we need to include the bucktoothed asian stereotype from extinction as well because jesus that is even more recent.

Hard disagreement on Age of Extinction. Not saying Revenge of the Fallen isn’t guilty of everything you wrote. But Age of Extinction was such a relentlessly unpleasant and lazy slog that it made 15 minutes of Dinobot action boring. They were the only reason I bothered to watch the movie and I found myself more drawn

i wonder if theyre going to be from the universe whatshername went to in The Marvels with the X-Men. since we didnt see anyone outside of Beast and her alternate mom their world could be a futuristic 60s. basically the Marvel Silver Age Universe since thats when the majority of Marvel’s popular characters come from.

I’ll always be grateful that the last scene of the DCEU was of Patrick Wilson as Orm putting a cockroach on his cheeseburger and eating it. 

He’s kinda good at everything because he’s a super-fast learner. He’s also undetectable by tech because of his nanotech mask/suit, so security cameras, radar, motion sensors, etc. In the comics, his super genius tech company is owned by Wayne Enterprises, so he & Batman have a bit of a rivalry. Oh, and he’s an Olympic

He one of those world breaking inventor heroes. He has these “techballs” that can do amazing things and effectively generate free energy. If he mass produced them and gave them to the general public we’d be living in utopia, but for some reason he keeps the tech to himself so he can play hero.

With the exception of that collar that Superman suit really top tier. Glad it didn’t have the extra muscle suit underneath like the Martha v Martha and JL versions. 

Sure, I can buy that. There’s also a racial divide on how obvious it is, with (from what I’ve been reading) it generally being much more obvious to Black people who’ve had to deal with those exact same issues their whole lives than it was to white people. But once James (or any such viewer) realized what it was really

if it walks like a duck...

To be fair, I’m American and I thought it was classism too because its a British program and having watched a lot of British programs, I expected that commentary.

I mean, I can get behind “Overdramatic teenager” carrying a LOT of the weight here. She can’t JUST abandon her baby at the church, she has to put on a show.  I totally can accept that.

There may well be a bit of a US/UK divide on how obvious it was. In UK media it’s way more common for there to be elements of classism. Racism tends to be limited to shows and movies set during earlier times. By contrast, US media frequently references racism, while rarely mentioning classism.

“...compelling emotional work, delivered impeccably by its stars, built off the back of a logical and narrative fallacy.”

Theories I’ve heard regarding Mrs. Flood’s identity.

In the moment I mostly enjoyed watching it.

I don’t think the issue is with him really at all. He seems charmingly self deprecating. The problem, if there even is a problem, is with fans who don’t understand how pop music is put together and why that would mean a TS concert is constructed very differently from your average guitar + drums + bass rock concert.

Ah yes, the AICU. Can’t wait.


And the team-up, Rise of the BE-9.

Exactly how I read it.

I get why this isn’t just called Soulm8, but I am going to exclusively refer to it as Soul Matey.