
It’s honestly like something out of The Twilight Zone, where she was so certain the extreme right wing fans would have her back that she could say all this stuff and still have a comfortable career, but then finds out they’ll never accept a big strong woman in their movies because it’s “woke.”

The “boop/beep” thing was a direct insult to Pedro Pascal, after he put pronouns in his bio as a show of support for his trans sister. Publicly attacking the star of the hugely successful show you somehow landed a part on is exactly the kind of stupid-as-shit career move that leads directly to working for Ben Shapiro.

“Following a years-long controversy that’s currently awaiting litigation against Disney…”

“I’m not a far right loon!” screams the woman who now makes movies with Ben fucking Shapiro.

My favourite thing is that she thought she could have a new career doing an alt-right movie like Terror On The Prairie and then alt-right audiences were like ‘women should be thin and submissive’ and didn’t watch it.

“was that harmful?”

Yes. Yes, it was.

Not seeing a problem.

Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles: the only people allowed to paint a Death Star on the kill list on their starfighters.

The problem is that Top Gun: Maverick is basically “The Battle of Yavin, but with F-18's”

Source material. Ares has been one of Wonder Woman’s main bad guys for decades; has never had anything to do with the creation with the Amazons on Themyscira (originally Paradise Island).

Shout out to that one time years ago when I wanted a vintage Wedge action figure, bid on three on eBay, expecting to maybe win one... and I ended up with all three. I have a minor Wedge obsession, it turns out.

I just hope that, when and if a Rogue Squadron movie ever does get made (fingers crossed for you, Patty!), it involves Wedge Antilles, the unsung hero of the rebellion.

I guess he was the White Power Ranger all along, huh.

“Why did you say that name?! Seriously, we’d love to know how you heard about our brand!”

‘Grimdark PR, where we make your enemies souls burn in Avernus forever.  All Hail the Emperor!’

Might’ve been the original title!

“Welcome to Grimdark PR! If you don’t like our films, you’re a nerd!” 

Sat, not many, but from personal experience I can tell you a lot of us slept through it. 

He can run a grimdark PR firm.

Zack should quit his day job and become a PR flack. He's much better at that than making movies.