Never mind that comes a slideshow!
Never mind that comes a slideshow!
Simple farmers. People of the land. The common clay of the new A.V. Club. You know... morons.
Olson Johnson is right! What kind of people are we, anyhow?
what sounds cool, exactly? that was vague gibberish
Let’s blame it on the writer’s strike, maybe the marketing just came together and they didn’t have anyone good to put together a tagline for it.
Just more evidence that this is an obvious 1st Amendment violation. And that Ronny isn't qualified to be President.
Well, there’s no way in hell he’s winning these lawsuits
Yeah, the part in the Megyn Kelly interview where he declared that he wasn’t “punishing” Disney but taking away something they “shouldn’t have had” ignores the fact that none of the other special districts in the state are being attacked by him.
Tagline on the poster is “Don’t Rush. Die Slow.”
“Disney has no right to its own government and special privileges.”
Most def a missed marketing opportunity!
I think it would be funnier if they played it like Tucker and Dale Vs Evil. The sloth wouldn’t actually be killing anyone, but everyone blames it for all the deaths and in attempting their ridiculous plans to trap and destroy it they end up dying horribly.
Nope. Trickle down economics has been thoroughly debunked. Sorry Ronald.
I hope this is successful and we get sequels. I can’t wait for Slotherhouse 5!
i was saying that analyzing any one movie’s underperformance and extrapolating what that says about the box office overall (that it hasn’t recovered or that movie theaters aren’t doing well) isn’t helpful bc of the variety of reasons movies can underperform, but comparing annual revenue totals IS a good indicator -…
This definitely didn’t start as a joke while really high.
When I heard the title, I just assumed the studio behind it was The Asylum, because this sounds exactly like something they would come up with, but apparently that’s not the case.
Is it though? How about to stay in Ethan Hunt’s shape after 50? Humm...
Learning how to be a ninja was just part of being a kid in the 80s and 90s. You got your books from “secret masters” from the back of comic books. You studied all the very “realistic” movies. You broke into elderly Asian peoples’ homes and attempted to steal some random piece of decoration in hopes that you are caught…