“The More You Sow."
“The More You Sow."
Must-See Deity
Given how central that tenet is to his teachings, it’s almost kind of amazing how thoroughly most modern evangelicals have renounced it, in actions if not in words (though I’ve seen plenty renounce it in words as well).
CW = Christ Watching
Thanks, the two got mashed in my brain.
My problem with the Jedi pogrom was not how many survived, but how did they kill all of them. I mean, virtually every Jedi, excepting perhaps the children, were massively skilled not only in combat, but in all the other skills necessary to survive against even overwhelming opposition. The movies portrayed it as a…
From what I’ve seen Hoult is probably the strongest acting choice, amongst those three... but I can’t imagine that guy playing Superman unless he can somehow put on, like, 50 pounds of muscle.
The “problem” the Jedi purge always had is that it was clearly initially set up in A New Hope as something that happened over a very long period of time, and the time were there were 100 000 Jedi in the galaxy is very far in the rear view mirror. It’s very much a fantasy concept of lost golden age.
This series is so weird.
Oh definitely. We both cried during the movie and I was actually nervous to see it about the animal cruelty even though they’re all CG. But they were at least tasteful and added to the story overall. Thankfully the scenes are short and spread throughout the movie. It really makes you feel how much of a bastard the…
Yeah, I’m stumped. Can’t think of the specific thing. It should have a classic rock vibe, something that evokes something like the Rolling Stones. Maybe something like “Paint it Black”. That’s almost perfect.
That Sympathy for the Devil trailer needs some music over it, but I just can’t think of what might fit.
I didn’t know the Trade Federation guys had converted to Catholicism.
At least a couple of those will be very entertaining. If anything, Snyder is very good at casting female action roles. He gas no idea what to do with them, but he knows how to cast them.
Love and Thunder was simply more of what lots of people apparently loved in Thor: Ragnarok but the appetite for the formula of relentless switches between action and comedy scenes seems to have waned a bit.
Love & Thunder is what happens when you give Waititi a little too much room to work. Likely because they’ve just got too many projects in the pipeline and can’t have as tight a reign as they would normally have had.