Can’t say for Sin City, but Machete Kills had the the villain’s plan involve a space station. Probably better to replace “Sci-Fi” with “Genre” in the title. Although I think that would essentially encompass his entire filmography.
Do Desperado and El Mariachi not count as sci fi films? They seem similar genre wise to Sin City and Machete.
You access it using your Personal Identification Number number.
So good they named it twice
Siiiigh “ATM machine" it's just ATM. (Long time pet peeve of mine)
That’d be a good name for a website, maybe one that you can ask things. “Hmmm, how does an engine work? I’ll check EXPLANATORY GOD” (yes, the caps are necessary).
Oh my friend, I think you’re the one who’s been hurt. Luke writes an article explaining why it’s okay to have difference of opinions on a game, and you lash out like a 12 year Warzone player who just lost his Gulag.
I self exclaim when I play games regularly, no matter what game it is.
That’s my problem with it. It’s not close enough to older entries. It’s not trying to be. It’s like downgrading Super Mario Bros for not being close enough to Donkey Kong
This one goes out to everyone who has ever said “only fans of this series should be on the review”, a practice that serves nobody except the fans who were already gonna play the game anyway.
They’re there because Disney was there first. Sure, they won’t disappear, but they’ve always been the “but-it’s-not-Disney” options.
Disney is not in a position of power here. If they go nuclear and just pick up and leave, you can guarantee that another brand will just snap up the real estate and make it an extension of their own parks.
Sorry broseph, but those ‘other parks’ have diverse employee bases as well AND Disney does have slightly larger brand than most of the others (combined). So, good luck in your objective to rid yourself of the Mouse’s House, but don’t be sad when all you’re left with is termites...
There is no long term plan except to stay elected.
Which would also explain the absence of Big Hero 6.
‘Daredevil’ may not be the worst superhero movie, but it was bad in some of the strangest ways. I remember watching the scene where Matt and Elektra fight - which is, within the context of the film, a petite woman and a blind man who are complete strangers getting into a physical confrontation in public to the cheers…
Which is pretty lame of them, esp. since this site has occasionally defended animation as more than just a “kids only” medium.
Because cartoons are for babies, amirite? lol
I get leaving out Tom Hollands’s Spidey flicks, since they are obvious MCU entries even if they’re released by Sony, not Disney. But what is your rational for not including Into the Spiderverse (which should be in the top 5, if not top 3)?