Just one? Okay fine: Primer. The time machine is literally a big plastic box. It’s the best time travel film ever made.
Just one? Okay fine: Primer. The time machine is literally a big plastic box. It’s the best time travel film ever made.
Hey dude, don’t think you can just go and disagree with the prevailing narrative!
I agree - there was a good 10-minute stretch halfway through the movie where Paul Rudd’s head was just super-imposed on part of an episode of Sanford & Son. It didn’t even make sense for Ant Man to fake a heart attack.
I agree. It looked alright, and I rather liked the movie.
The movie looked fine. Even the screen grab above that’s constantly been shit on since the trailer came out didn’t look near as bad in the theaters for all the shit it got on the internet the last couple of months. People just need to stop being jaded assholes all the time and enjoy things
Because the X-Men and the FF are as iconic as Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America. I’m a fanboy so I love Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel but until the MCU nobody but comic nerds had heard of them. Many more people have a casual knowledge of Wolverine and the Thing. Because they rightfully rose to the top as iconic…
It’s amazing to me that the films have kept up their continuity this long, let characters grow, change and die, and haven’t had a massive reboot yet. I can’t think of another series like it. We’re on what, our fourth or fifth live-action Batman since Iron Man came out?
I agree wholeheartedly that EEAAO is the better movie.
Guardians came out before Ultron.
I mean, the point is that calling something fatigue when performance is at all time high is probably not the correct term to be using. Creative fatigue maybe, but acting as if audiences aren’t gobbling it up is incorrect.
If I had a nickel for every article about “superhero fatigue” I could fund my own cinematic universe.
>> “The Doctor Strange sequel which, much like Quantumania, failed to wow critics, actually had the best opening of any film last year...” <<
That’s fair. And true, it is not “everyone”. But also, when I say I don’t think anyone is worried about “homework”, I am not saying people are fine with extra work. I am saying that I don’t think most people see the streaming stuff as necessary to watch, and therefore homework. They are fine with ignoring it.
That’s certainly a take...
No, Marvel actually published a lot of crossovers in the mid to late 1980s. The X-men franchise became a hotbed of crossovers shortly after the end of Secret Wars. The Mutant Massacre (1986) branched out into issues of Thor, Power Pack and Daredevil; Inferno (1988) involved Avengers, Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Power…
It’s amazing how quickly people will jump on something like this. Love and Thunder came out less than a year ago. Taika hasn’t released a movie in 8 months? He’s obviously being shut out of the industry. I mean, he’s got half a dozen upcoming projects listed on IMDB and is currently involved in three different TV…
I think a lot of people forget how long it took to get to Infinity War and how much not great stuff there was in between - Let’s not forget Ultron or Thor: The Dark World, or Iron Man 3. None of those were celebrated as masterpieces. I do think some fans are creating a damned if they do/damned if they don’t situation.…
Weren’t we all saying the same thing circa-Ultron and then eventually pieces came together and it was great? I think there are some rose colored glasses on about how great the MCU used to be that is feeding some of this.
“I agree that there are too many new characters being introduced...”
I mean personally I’m way more stoked for multiversal shenanigans, Kang, the whole MCU getting ripped apart and put back together, etc... than I was for Iron Man 2 or whatever you’re being nostalgic about.