“The sorcerer supreme is still on top”
“The sorcerer supreme is still on top”
When we gonna get a movie with the giant green rabbit?
Using a fork and knife on half a sandwich doused in gravy?
It’s easy to assume otherwise, as for a long while star wars lived on dark horse. But that was obviously set to change when disney completed it’s infinity gauntlet of IP acquisitions.
I think the misogyny comes from someone seeing a modern Star Wars thing and not liking an aspect of it and arbitrarily being like “fucking Kathleen Kennedy” without any knowledge of her level of involvement in the thing they didn’t like. It’s a way for neckbeards to express their hate toward women without realizing or…
I was super-lucky to randomly meet him at the airport in Boston when he was arriving to film Free Guy a few years ago. At the time nobody on our plane knew who he was and I had only recognized him from What We Do in the Shadows. Later on I realized that during that time he was also filming/directing/writing/acting in…
Do they though? They made one terrible movie, 4 okay to pretty good movies and a bunch of series that are legitimately good. Sure, with the movies its no MCU in terms of success. But I don’t think you can blame the executives of making bad creative choices if 80% of their movies are still pretty good.
That’s what the threesomes with Rita Ora and Tessa Thompson are for, they’re like those healing tanks from Empire Strikes Back but, like, awesome.
What about the Holiday Special?
I like to think that Taika is sitting at home, wasting time reading about what I’m doing right now.
Tip from hard earned experience: An open faced sandwich is, like, 5% less effort.
He’s the same age as me and I’m like “A sandwich for lunch? That seems like a lot of work.”
There’s a lot of tossed-off bits that work the way they did in Star Wars (‘77), hinting at a larger, full-of-weird-shit world without making you have to stop and parse it out to orient yourself. Like “just another snake cult”, I love that.
Likewise, when Conan speaks his first words onscreen—“To crush your enemies! Drive them before you! And to hear the lamentations of their women!”
Sooooo....in the summer of 2010 I was heading up the Digital Media Archives at NBC-Uni, with a 4-person office that doubled as an MPAA vault in the center of a floor of engineers who neither understood nor cared what we digital media guys were up to. And it was great! I had my own golf cart on the lot, and the drive…
There’s an austerity to Conan the Barbarian that I wish more filmmakers had employed when sword & sorcery flicks were having their brief moment back in the early-to-mid eighties. And one which I hope is utilized in the likely inevitable revival of the genre.
This would’ve been the perfect time for Universal to release this on 4k. See that giant snake in all its rubber glory.
The soundtrack still slaps.
Pompeii is excellent, and well worth a visit, but yeah, maybe not if you’re staying in Rome. I’ll definitely second Ostia though. I couldn’t believe how cheap it was to get there, because as you say, it’s classed as part of the Metro, and it’s incredible. That’s one of my favourite things about Italy - you’ll turn a…
I think I may be the only tourist to visit Paris and not go to the Eiffel Tower.
Spent 5 days at the Louvre - still have my membership card. Walked past La Giaconda, didn’t particularly care.
Musee D’Orsay, Monet Marmottan, L’Orangerie were definitely the highlights. Versailles is a monument to toxic masculinity and…