
In that case, I want to see Alien the romcom. Unless that’s what AVP was supposed to be?

Or, following the religious imagery in these dopey films, he’s some kind of incorruptible Super-Saint.

Seeing Yondu’s former partners from across the galaxy salute the fallen Ravager was visually gorgeous, and heart-achingly emotional, too.

Mine is gonna say, “Order Up!”

It’s not as useful as the card Tom Wilson has for strangers.

I think it ought to be a rule in shows these days: If you got a woman character in main or supporting cast, get some women writers on staff to critique and/or take over the writing for them.

Ho Ho Hodor...

I have a feeling the Tarantino Star Trek is never gonna happen — Paramount will never let it be R-rated and that’ll be the end of QT’s involvement — but it’s gonna make for a fun chapter in one of those “greatest movies they never made”-type books 5-10 years from now.

Now playing

It sounds like you just... popped the Question.

I’m just so irritated with DC. Their TV shows are literally the only good live action interpretations they have and they continuously strangle them with stripping characters away (I’m talking about you, Slade).

That’s a good question.

There was a shitty unnecessary Carry movie, which I believe also had back story.

Wasn’t there a shitty unnecessary backstory in the Carrey movie as well?

Not Batman: Gigli

its 2017. Villains need to have a back story where they nice and sweet before turning villains and Heroes need to be aholes and have darksides....

Nomination for “Movie That Most Did Not Need To Exist”.

That would make it a prequel...

A prequel to the Grinch?

I don’t know about Europe, but didn’t comic Gwen have some UK family. And if nothing else, they still need to reveal who moved Tower Bridge down river to Westminster? Perhaps it was the same people who rearranged London for Thor: The Dark World.