
After no less than three beers.

^ this. It’s been ages since I saw the original, and it was forgettable back then. But, I’m pretty sure that “the ending basically consists of the students reconciling the traumas of their past, so their deaths, resurrections, hauntings, etc., are reduced to a teaching moment ...” is a spot on summary of the original.

Are you kidding? He has it tenfold. We should never see a scene without him snacking.

Wait, is it really coming out next month? I thought it was still a ways out.

BTS REPORT: Yeah, but I had a great time working on it! We were shooting during the run-up to Rogue One and I was delighted. Every day in the room with Diego Luna made me feel almost like I was actually “living the dream” I had as a kid. Sure, it wasn’t a Star Wars movie but, y’know, imagination takes us far enough.

I honestly keep forgetting that there’s a Justice League movie coming out next month.

“The One About the Lambs”

I’d buy that the CW heroes eat only fast food- provided they only eat two meals a day. Which would explain the plethora of bad decisions they make because their blood sugar levels must be all over the place.

The question I propose: Even if Superman showed up in a black and silver suit, how would you know with the film filters in place?

Not all imaginary friends can be Bing Bong...

Isn’t that the plot to Pixels?

Sony Exec: So, that creature from the movie Life, the one that killed Ryan Reynolds and found its way to Earth? Well, what if the Men in Black got wind of it and tried to fight it? No? How about the MIBs get, like, digitized into their computers and they have to team up with the Emojis to fight some kind of alien

I don’t know what to make of this just yet, but new blood isn’t the worst idea.

It isn’t, but I feel that the movie audience is different enough from the comics audience that the former would just not get it. Hell, it’s confusing for the comics audience sometimes (see Superman’s rehab in Rebirth).

It’s ironic (or perhaps not) that Wonder Woman was also the DC film that VERY closely followed Marvels formula of filmmaking. So much so that it’s biggest weakness is also Marvels; an unmemorable villain and a third act that devolves into a big CGI punchfest.

Oh, yeah, for sure, I mean *kid-friendly* superhero movies???!!!! What a slight to the very concept.

Reminded of a quote from Gaiman (around the time of Pratchett’s death)

DC executives be like...

You think it is long now, wait a few years when they release the Final, Totally Last, No Really We Mean It This Time, There Won’t be Another One in a Few Years, Okay We Lied Just One or Two More, Director’s Personal Favorite Cut. That one will add 8 minutes.

I bet Superman’s Theme ends up murdering someone.