
Re: #7, if I’m remembering right from the books, it’s not just that Arya’s dreaming of her, but that there are rumors of an increasingly large wolfpack being sighted by multiple people in several locations. It’s been a while for me, though, but my impression was that it was more than just her.

Came here for Gendry.

They could always bring it back as Justice League Go!

To be fair, they did also turn the Brigadier into a Cyberman during the same period, and he was basically the whitest person ever:

Good thing your daughter never watched Torchwood, or she’d have realized that Ianto’s girlfriend Lisa Hallet got the Sexy Semi-Cyberbabe treatment, which actually makes Bill the THIRD character of African descent to get “upgraded” to Cyberman status.

Doctor Who-as-fairy tale has its charms, but I’m a lot fonder of the RTD “everything is bittersweet at best, because this stuff has consequences” approach.

I’m sorry, I believe you forgot a very important film in your list...

Deep in the Amazon basin there are people who have lived for centuries, maybe millennia with almost no contact with the outside world. They have been born, lived, raised their children and died for generations without seeing anything beyond their forest home. Because of their remote location and the difficulty of

The Zune was a present from Yondu. Of course it has meaning to Peter.

Well aren’t you the purist? Give yourself a pat on the back, you sure showed us you insufferable windbag.

There’s an article out now where the head of Lucasfilm and the guy playing Han both said the directors were fired for making the movie slapstick, in the vein of Ace Ventura. Seriously, that was their comparison.

 Yeah, because up until then, Episodes I-VI were fucking crazy wild rides where anything could happen. I know, for me, Attack of the Clones was out of left field, completely unsafe, and made me feel things I’ve never felt before. What a risk they took.

“I still have not seen Ep.7 or Rogue One”

If you haven’t seen ANY of the new stuff, how are you even remotely qualified to bitch about it?

That’s fundamentally not the problem the prequels had. Come on.

It is almost like the paid a billion dollars for a huge merchandising juggernaut geared toward 12 year old boys and are really scared that they might make a movie to support it that alienates that core audience. Actually that is exactly what it is like, hence the attention toward changing up storm troopers and other

Here is my response to your criticism of Disney’s plan:

Remember how everyone went nuts for Captain America: Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy? Part of the reason those films stood out was because they were so different from anything else we’d seen in the Marvel universe.

This is a great breakdown of a growing problem within the Disney Star Wars universe.

I’ve said it before, if the final shot is Tyrion and Pod sat among the smoking chaos of an almighty battle, so long as he gets to finish the joke I’ll be happy (then Gendry rows by, in the background)