
You should read the latest articles from your Federalist:

Yep. I’ve noticed all of my trump voter friends on facebook have fallen silent the past week or so. You can FEEL their shame. It’s lovely.

Coworker at lunch yesterday said, “Ugh, I’m so sick of hearing about Russia! Everything’s Russia!” I went off. Stupid little fuck.

I went outside to grab the paper this morning and rant into a Trump voting neighbor. I smiled as I picked up the paper and said “It’s tough to keep up with everything these days”, and he replied “I don’t even want to know”.

Pfft, you just say that because you didn’t show up after school and everyone is making fun of you.

It’s opposite day, right?

Are those examples of great casting? That’s why you crossed off Iron Fist, isn’t it?

I guess technically they could do an Incredibles crossover now...

As the cameo from the (unnamed) Watchers in GotG 2 demonstrated, there are a lot of ways that Marvel can surreptitiously sneak the “cosmic” stuff from the FF days back into its movies.

I fear the FF is forever tainted by those shitty Fox movies (including the one the studio will inevitably make around 2024 to maintain their rights). Still, it’d be nice to see Ben Grimm in the MCU.

Yeah, it’s never bothered me that much. Before Uncanny X-Men became Marvel’s biggest-selling title in the early ‘80s, they rarely ever crossed over in a big way with the rest of the Marvel Universe. That probably accounted for the series’ enormous popularity, because you didn’t have to be a dyed-in-the-wool Marvel fan

Given the almost* perfect casting Marvel Films has done so far, and a demonstrably better hand at handling the characters and stories over all than any other movie studio making superhero movies, by far, gotta be rootin for X-Men to be done by Marvel Films.

I’m probably going to get flack for this but I am just fine with the X-Men being in their own separate universe. The MCU is plenty big enough as it is. Marvel has enough going on and enough characters to explore without adding on another 20+ characters and all their supporting cast to the mix.

Bwahahahahaha! Gee, I hope all those people screaming for Spencer’s blood haven’t killed him yet! Bwahahahahaha! It was standard comic books before this and this only makes it even more comic book! Once more...bwahahahaha!

Big Mac Walls sounds like a ‘70s country and western singer. Kinda like Hoyt Axton.

I was thinking that would be more like

Are you suggesting the cat was working with the alien?

Are you suggesting the cat was working with the alien?

Would you rather we had Jones: Covenant? Because this is how you get Jones: Covenant. But seriously, this dude knew things.