
Even worse, look up Robert Moses and how he did urban planning to make low income black neighborhoods isolated and worse to live in. Like, to the point when Jones Beach, a lovely park outside of NYC, was made he commissioned bridge underpasses to be too small for city busses to fit under them, so poor people from the

I think you are taking that a bit too broadly, Trailor Trash is a specific type of poor person. The parallel in the UK are terms like “Chav”. Not all poor people are chavs, but chav is 100% a pejorative term in the UK.

Torpedo Man’s minions are named after Marvel Villains?

I am American and I 100% read this as classism.

NEW OWNERS of I09 take note!

Ugh I hope not.   Not that I dislike the character or the actor, but it just gives me concerns about Small Universe Syndrome, which has been a huge problem for the franchise over the years.

Yeah I was shocked it went for 7 seasons, though it sounds like the last two were retreads.

If I can ask, because you seem REALLY into this subclass, what the point of it is?

That is from the 1995 reboot of the show (season 1 episode 2), which was on Showtime (an HBO competitor) for 5 seasons and then it did 2 seasons on Sci-fi. so yes, it probably had a good amount of sex and nudity in it.

It gets worse as you get older and start seeing what they post politically!

Klute was such a great little movie!

He was so good!

Ok that is MARVELOUS.

It was very “of its time” both story and production wise.

Trump wants you to think his being Prosecuted is not because he has commited crimes, but because the Democrats are persecuting him. He wants you to focus on “Prosecuted=Persecution” because it delegitimizes his convictions.

The season 4 premier was on June 13th.

Cool your jets! When you have the head of a major political party compaining about how “Prosecuted” he is, and using it to try to get in the whitehouse a second time, and him being one who is the focal point of a lot of fascists in the US today, being clear that it is not about Prosecution is really important.

Well defined skills in a RPG????

Thaco . . . in Pathfinder?

REgarding: “im sorry i dont follow. of course the jedi have a choice. if they choose to act out of anger and hate, then they are choosing to do morally bad things. the conflict is in jedi feeling those emotions just like everyone else and choosing to control them or not. luke cannot act out of anger even if the