
And who repaired the Hyperdrive allowing them to get away?

Also without Lukes gamble he would nevere have found out about his father and never redeemed him and killed the Emperor so . . .

Sure and that wouldnt have happened if Luke hadnt unwittingly distracted Darth Vader.

He is also really young and really inexperienced, which makes the quick draw more understandable.

Lol yeah i know, I know.

 . . . she’s a bit tall for the role.

Yes.   Basically that is it.

There is no sides of Lucasfilm.

Just because Luke’s gamble on getting his friends back paid off doesnt mean it wasnt exactly that, a risky decision that was NOT the smart move in the situation he was in.

No but it means we are LOCKED IN for a Yaddle cameo!

If you are looking for honest reviews you really should be prepared that some of them might not agree with you.

Just a quick note: If you dont want to be accused of being an Incel or a Misogynist, using phrases like these: “appeal to men instead of females” and “her years of trying to make the Force female.”

Oooh does this mean the “Do whatever you want” phase of Snyder’s time at Netflix is done?

The MCU is not dead, stop being a drama queen.

Oh, were it just the one . . .

Save that film, pretty much everything Disney has touched has turned to utter dogshit.”

She was his assistant for the sum total of one year back in the aughts (she worked at Miramax for 6 right out of college).

It is very nice of you to announce when you are using a Bad Faith Argument.

This time he makes a giant Bitcoin out of mashed potatoes!

Somewhat, but that ALSO had various cartoons like Superfriends and literally decades and decades of comics to balance that out.