
Yeah perhaps he just needs to be more in tune with what kind of actor he really is.   ie, one who needs a job!

And I have no problem with that, but then dont slag off the gravy train with comments like “If I’m making something, I want there to be some kind of purpose to it—I don’t want to make mindless entertainment. The world doesn’t need more mindless entertainment. We’re inundated with it.”

I think it is less that they were soured on it and more that the current generation of movie goers just doesnt care about Indiana Jones.

It’s different when he does Franchise movies, because of his:

He’s being pretty hypocritical here though.

But it is also a kind of classist version of “Punching down”.

Yeah a LOT of Red flags go up every time he mentions this.

It is what passes for range” in acting now.

I think you are right to a degree.

Well this candy has gone stale and is probably slightly melted.

It really has the feel of the end of this phase of Hollywood, overall.

The big problem for Zaslov is that it really feels like the movies making “tons of cash” was a core part of his plan to mange the debt Max took on.

Heh, neither of us sound all that confident in WB/DC’s decision making here, do we?

You would think that has to be part of the idea to do Damian Wayne, Junior Assassin, right?

Pretty sure these are:

They are doing both.

You basically have a whole Batman movie coming out today, FBV!

Hands down my favorite Aquaman of all time.

Because he Can!

First its “Mansplaining” and now its ED? Wow. That is some clever repartee!