They have to pay residuals on all of these, whether they own them or not.
They have to pay residuals on all of these, whether they own them or not.
He’s only been in charge since May?
Certainly not by anyone over 35, but the kids now grew up with him on TTGo and that will change it for him, maybe, in the long term.
Who is the THOR of the justice league? Its Martian Manhunter isnt it?
But is he wrong?
He needs the money now. WBD is massivley overleveraged to the tune of like 55 billion in debt post merger and he needs to show income to keep the shareholders on board.
Look, no one is going to say Valsaz . . . aww . . nuts . . .. (poof)
He needs the cashflow it generates more than he needs a one time sale.
Also: arent those optimistic, hopeful movies exactly what the world needs right now?
Disney can afford to do that because their film house is in order and they are raking in the cash from pretty much all their movies, even their flops arent generally losing money vs budget.
Hey at least there is no stereotypical cat villain!
I am sensing some very strong “There aint no Spiders in this movie” jealousy here . . .
But Krypto is a VERY GOOD BOY.
Yeah she JUST might be able to scrape enough money for a nanny for a week or two.
He did pretty good not being the Rock in the Jumanji’s . .. but his look is so distinct it does not help!
Everyone thinks that until they get a load of used condoms from him in the mail.
Return the Jedi to being wandering space samurai do gooders with crazy powers and have them find the Sith almost by accident. Have them foil each other, build the conflict over the course of the movie, and then duel at the end. Neither dies, sith are defeated but vow vengeance. Second movie becomes about the main…
Keep in mind, when they say chilled, they dont mean COLD.
That might be a wood box from Dominus but those are not Dominus bottles in it!