Knarf Black

Oh no, we wouldn't have wanted anything to ruin Alien Resurrection. Heaven forfend.

Bummer. Now we'll never know what sort of creepily oversexualized role he had in store for his daughter this time.

Well this review has officially turned me off of buying HZD. I finally picked up Mirror's Edge: Catalyst on sale the other day and I can now definitively say that my patience with "Map Games", as you call them, is totally exhausted.

I'm busy this weekend, but maybe I can drag some of our guests into a game of Overcooked. I picked it up on disc, which seems weird for a sub 2GB indie game, but it makes it convenient to take on the road. I finally got a 4 player game going last weekend, which ended with us having to turn the game off because nobody

Yeah, the time fuckery at the end was pretty brilliant.

I was super disappointed in Holidays. That was such a brilliant premise for a horror anthology, but nothing rose above middling and they wasted Halloween on Kevin Smith being creepy about casting his daughter yet again.

Southbound is probably the most cohesive horror anthology I've ever seen, but that's pretty intentional since the segments all share the same 'Silent Hill comes to the desert' location.

Word on the street is that the game is slightly easier that Dark Souls overall, but has very damage-spongey bosses, leading to endurance battles where you memorize the attack patterns, then have to play perfectly for 10-15 minutes.

I really want to play more RE7, but because I find the way they are putting out the DLC distasteful, I am going to resist the urge and wait until the season pass goes on sale. (Which occasionally happens before all the content is even released these days.)

I was actuallys surprised by the old lady, since I had confused the D and E series labels and assumed I was going to have to lobotomize granny at some point.

I don't know if I'd put "huge" in all caps, myself, but I was definitely bummed that the game leaves the Baker property for so long. Plus, it doesn't even prevent backtracking fatigue, with that loooong VHS flashback of the same location you're already in.

This is a weird choice for the "review in progress" thing; It's only 10 hours long and you are basically describing the entire game.

I guess it's nice that the movie almost literally doesn't let a minute go by without kicking, shooting, or breathless exposition, but man was it hard to follow the action. One particular red shirt death involving giant fan blades required me to carefully take stock of the remaining characters in the next scene in

Along with the obvious Texas Chainsaw riffing, the game owes a lot to Evil Dead (there's a really gratuitous "groovy" in there in case it wasn't obvious enough) and, if you're playing on a regular old TV set, Friday the 13th part 3. So many moments obviously tailored for 3D/VR calling attention to themselves.

I'd say the mere fact that the level didn't result in a huge scandal makes it a rousing success for what it is.

Yeah, but you can easily go back on your word. The hard part is unlocking the alternate path to approach from behind.

Going from zero to Outlast is pretty impressive.

Oh crap. I still have to do all the PT nonsense in the Beginning Hour demo to unlock the single bit of upgrade currency you can carry over to the main game.

Also the respawning horned horses that shoot lightning from #2's DLC are back.

There is a non-hostile way to deal with him, but it is hilariously convoluted.