Knarf Black

Don't forget that they did the song in the opening credits of Stigmata.

Seems like a high water mark for mid-budget dramas.

"it’s a little tricky to define who’s [a good guy]"

I'd be mad too if a popular comedy website revealed my secret reproductive methods, thus warning astro-mining ship crews to quarrantine the victims incubating my progeny.

Has anyone done the cheapskate math yet for the earliest optimal time to subscribe and binge the show before cancelling?

I was massively underwhelmed by the Prey demo (though I assume the full game has had some quality of life patching by now) so I'll be continuing on with Nier: Automata. The game has finally started throwing enemies tough enough to be real threats at me, so I died. I also discovered that the lock-on button doesn't need

I'm trying to force myself to be productive this weekend, so instead of taking the shrinkwrap off of Nier: Automata, I'll probably continue with Little Nightmares, which can be conveniently described as the Little Big Planet devs take on the Limbo/Inside formula.

I think they're suffering from a terminal case of feature creep. It was purely a boss rush game for years, then suddenly they decided to add levels after all, which has to be a big undertaking.

Guys. I'm melting down over the fact that it's getting a T rating.

We definitely need better terminology. "Video Game" is far too broad and clunky.

This game has a lot more "game" to it that people realize. Sure, it's a meditative chill-out toy rather than a challenge, but it cleverly gatekeeps mechanics from the player to create a sense of progression. It also helps to keep things from getting too weird too fast, which is good because it already starts out

The two photos you guys are using barely look like the same person. Did Glenn Beck send stealth operatives to the Fox News anchor cloning facility, only for them to return with an unfinished prototype?

Someone on twitter already coined "glamspreading" for it, so we're covered.

It's still weird for a xenomorph to be hanging from a big thing in broad daylight, desperately trying to break in. They've been pretty consistently portrayed as sneaky, opportunistic hunters who would prefer that you didn't know they were clinging to the outside of your science pod.

I am becoming increasingly concerned that this movie is going to retroactively take away the one big positive Prometheus had going for it: that it didn't step all over the established Alien canon like it was a patch of danger spores in a wheat field.

It wouldn't even take that much to turn it into a Christopher Nolan era Batman film. McClane and Gruber as Batman and the Riddler.

Die Hard with a Vengeance is weirdly underrated for being the only Die Hard sequel worth a damn.

I am actually digging the song and video, but also want to make endless jokes about vacationing at Subtext Land, which is apparently a Black Mirror themepark.

I agree that it's not particularily relevant to modern society. Robocop is a much better exploration of our current state of being super fucked.

I feel like I made a Monkey's Paw wish for a Mirror's Edge sequel. They basically "fixed" all the issues I had with the first game (less linear, better combat, no guns, slightly more forgiving controls) to absolutely disasterous overall effect.