Knarf Black

By far your best bet is actual game tie-in themes, but even they often have big ugly logos or obnoxious music. I bought the Axiom Verge theme once, but eventually had to turn home screen music off altogether because it grated after a while.

"I understand now: Gallagher *is* funny."

I've only played JC2, but it's a lot more "pick-up-and-play" than the Fallout games.

While they did fix basically everything I hated about the previous Fallout games (particularly the static conversation camera), the new coat of paint is really drawing attention to how damn old the house is.

The concept of being stuck in an unfamiliar, literally foreign place where you don't speak the language, and then also having to deal with horror shit was done quite effectively in The Abandoned (2006).

I totally agree. It seems quite ghoulish (and not in a good way).

Tom Waits.

I tried it right at launch and got stuck in a death spiral. Started over with a new, more thoughtfully organized vault and then got bored two days later after building every room.

Bloodborne DLC baby! My time with Fallout 4 has been bittersweet at best, and it feels good to return to something I have almost zero quibbles with.

You know, I might actually have to pick up CoD: Postmodern Warfare one of these days.

I'm only a couple quests in, but I haven't seen a single Fallout 4 bug on PS4. It's pretty underwhelming to start. Poking around ruined buildings feels exactly like F3, and not in a complimentary way. The tutorials are kind of garbage; I'm having much better luck looking up instructions for the crafting and leveling

It probably wouldn't make a massive difference to the listener, but slowing the tracks down digitally would be lossier than doing it on an analog turntable.

Establishing the footage as an artifact within the fiction in addition to the fiction's medium is a crucial step that most FF films skip. The worst offender is Frankenstein's Army, where the characters run around with WWII era Bolex cameras (no sync sound, 30 second takes max), but use them as though they were the HD

I've seen the majority of these. Some good calls; especially the Kurosawa flicks. I've been waiting patiently for a Blu Ray of Pulse for some time now.

Schrodinger's Spoiler.

To make a long story short: they have creepy psychosexual issues and are mad that mainstream conservatives aren't explicitly racist these days.

Looks like the usual #whitegenocide and #cuckservative crowd. Nothing to see here folks. Literally.

I'm 90% sure that Sony gave them a big bag with dollar sign on it in exchange for making the game a VR launch title.

The modding community should hopefully rectify that down the line.

If I remember correctly, the first couple of Goosebumps books were significantly darker than the bulk of the series, with parents dying and everything. Also lots of forced references to popular comics of the time. "Hey guys, let's go get the new X-Force."