
My son was born on April 1st and that little disappointment continues to be the cruelest prank the universe has ever played on me.

First, fair point. My point was more addressed at getting the basics down. The advance knowledge (totally cheating) wouldn't prevent you from still asking about the dish, but it saves you from having to saying"ok, it's good that the cornichons were pickled in rose-vinegar (or whatever), but I still have no clue what

If only criminals in the States would halt their in-progress crimes at the threat of a 65-year-old policeman winding his fist back.

I think the length of the season is the biggest reason baseball is considered a "regional sport" these days. Even if you only watch half of your team's games, by the end of the season, you've probably watched 250+ hours of baseball. By the time the postseason rolls around, unless your team is involved or you're a

Unions are like vaccines to the shittiest work conditions, and much like vaccines a certain crowd that thinks of themselves as enlightened doesn't see the use for them because they've reaped the benefits for so long that the benefits are taken for granted.

That new type treatment just screams impact.

My sister-in-law and her husband fought with his family because they are DEVOUT catholic, while he was kind of nothing at that point, and she was kind of like "yoga is my religion" (which, it kind of IS a religious practice, but most westerners don't treat it as such) but they basically caved to the grooms family and

Nope. Your wedding is not about appeasing other people.

The reality is there will be some point in your wedding where you (and I mean just you, not your fiancee, you'll both individually have to do this) have to tell at least one family member to get stuffed. It's not fun, but the simple reality is: It's your wedding, not theirs. Most of the time they let it go.

No need to take my advice, but I would suggest if you can (a) make it clear to them in advance that it won't be a traditional ceremony in either denomination (for obvious logistical reasons, let alone your own feelings), but (b) you will throw in a symbolic Catholic and Southern Baptist moment or two into the

Sorry man, but you don't get to talk about wedding friction when the main tension is between your Wife's family being slightly more Jewish than yours and you being an atheist with respect for religion and community.

On the plus side, if a runner does get shot at least they get one of those 30.06 stickers.

A SodaStream will pay for itself over time.


Well, at least the cops up here in Berkeley—
[reads news from last night]

I'm not racist, but is anyone surprised these Indians are giving their support and then taking it back?


If you zoom back just enough you get ......omg its Jesus

Why would you want to? The female ones always seem smarter. I've seen some of them go from high school, to college, to take charge business women. Most of the guys just end up as pizza men and plumbers.