
My wife and I have been married for two years, but together for seven (and living together for 6 of those). While we don’t really recognize our “date-aversary” anymore, for a while we kept explaining it because right after our marriage we moved to a new town where people are super up in yo bidnas. And people kept

Yes, and no, I think. Its been 15 years which should’ve been enough time, but then about every 3 years, they’ll make a change or added step and then just assume everyone knows about it. Like when they initially announced that you had to take shoes off, but then recently, sometimes you don’t have to take your shoes

Just sharing:

I read Patrick’s comment differently.

But in practice, they don’t have the ability (except by pre-trial detention) to compel the suspect to provide access to the safe.. Thats why departments routinely hire “outside consultants” to open safes. locksmiths and the like open the safe, and then the police have access to the items within.

The thing about acting totally cool when a kid falls is way legit. If you worry over the kid like its the end of the world that he fell over, its totally going to be a forever crying fit, but act like it was no big deal and they’ll get up, give you a hug, and go back to playing. True story, I was playing tag with my

So I know this to be mostly true, esp. regarding calling the hotel and asking for the OTA’s rate. BUT on the past three trips I’ve taken, I’ve done this and been absolutely shut down by the hotel. Then when I get there, treated like shit (relatively) because I booked through the OTA (rate difference was in the

Best line:

Yeah, the Kirkland booze is great. They keep expanding too, like now they have a spiced rum, bourbon, vodka, tequila, and an excellent London Dry Gin that is just as good Tanqueray. Only thing I’m waiting for from them is an Irish whiskey...

Go to the Costco at Christiana Mall just across the line in Delaware. Its dirt cheap and fantastic!

I swear by Trader Joe’s (and to a lesser extent Kirkland’s) branded wine. I’m not talking about Charles Shaw, but the Trader Joes “line” from “Coastal” at the bottom to “Platinum Reserve (IIRC)“ at the top. As I understand it (and in a little more detail than you describe in the post), these wines are over production

The Italian FF commented to BBC Sport a few hours ago that they were initiating a full blown investigation into the incident. I can’t seem to find a link confirming that though.

Sam Woolley totally knows what I know... being 13 years old and short puts you right at boob-level with every girl in junior high.

See... it was about ethics in game tech journalism...

Idn... I don’t think she suddenly became a master at it. In the first scenes where she’s kicking ass with the bowstaff, its pretty clear she can handle herself. I think what happens is that she goes from using a bowstaff to using an essentially weightless laser sword and it throws off her game. but after a few minutes

My first thought: Um.. Copper is super conductive... I don’t think I want mulled wine in a copper mug.

There’s a bar in town here that says it has the most liquors of any bar in the state, but doesn’t stock Sweet Vermouth. My drink of choice is a Manhattan, so this is a serious problem when I go to this bar (which is rarely because they don’t fucking stock sweet vermouth).

Wisconsin has some weird-ass drink recipes man, What is it with y’all and brandy? I had a mix-off with a guy from there and he brought brandy and his shit was fantastic, but the whole time I kept thinking that he was a crazy person.

Am I the only one concerned about the blatantly erroneous response to “4th-and-7”? I mean, in literally every other context, you stick with consistency: 15 out of 100; one-twentieth; two-of twelve; it should be either fourth-and-seven or 4th-and-7, but definitely not mixing and matching. Thats just lunacy. Even the