
Minuet is being held captive on Bynaus

I do love more Trek, but it seems to... intense... for it to feel the same. Always fighting. Always exploding. Ship is always spewing fire out those two ports on the back of the bridge by the turbolift EVERY EPISODE. We’re too lazy for walking conversations, so we transport everywhere. The universe is going to end for

Spot’s dead?

Where’s Minuet?  When did Spot die?  

K.C. is not just a conspiracy theorist. He provides all the scientific exposition, but’s also the real everyman of the movie.

I feel I’m obligated as a huge star trek fan to internally rationalize even the worst logic. It’s fun, sometimes you get wild idea and sometimes you predict the future of the franchise.

As seen in TNG “Parrallels” most of the universes were Worf traverse had minor differences compared to his indigenous universe. The only logical explanation for why the mirror universe was so readily able to be crossed over was that the Mirror universe was intrinsically threaded to the prime universe. It’s a parasitic

I know this probably spits in the face of established Trek lore and canon but my headcanon has always been that every trip into the Mirror Universe is merely a trip into a mirror universe. One where the characters of the series we’re watching inexplicably exist and the established history of the Mirror-verse in Trek

It’s kind of funny how TFA was obviously a clear attempt to do a clean restart of Star Wars after the convoluted plotlines of the prequels, and instead the events of TRoS ended up producing reams of garbage lore to justify its existence.

Picard deserves so much better than this.

Was that Dutch from The Shield interrogating Picard?

I thought the Dunsal collar uniform was the worst , however ,these shirts ....are in the running.

Still more room than coach.

17 years and I’m still trying to figure out how to make this fly

Also, Spider-Man, T’Challa and Ant-Man’s head were on their way to Wakanda before they showed Thanos and his army outside the shield. Who’s to say the shot of Thanos and his army isn’t until after the good guys took the mind stone to Wakanada.

My read of the final final shot isn’t that they’ve got little to no chance

Thanos is an Eternal with a Deviant gene...the zombie virus might take waaay longer to fully affect him and leave him a mindless brute. Just an idea...

I’m sure this will piss off a lot of Marvel partisans (of which I am occasionally one), but though I thought it was a fun episode, the constant lapses in logic kind of bugged me.

 No I don’t have to do that, I haven’t even finished GTA 5 yet.”

The district asked Whitfield to remove the photo to avoid further controversy

Hyperspace is another reality. Think of it like another dimension where the distance between two points is significantly shortened. And in this hyperspace reality, large objects create mass shadows that one needs to navigate around before jumping to lightspeed. Han explains this in ANH as jumping through a star or