This is a good take. +1 perspective adjustment.
This is a good take. +1 perspective adjustment.
Man, that’s really going to sting. Imagine it. You’ve bought tickets to the home opener. Sure, you don’t think your Browns are going to do much this year, but we’re all 0-0, and it’s it great that football is back. Anyway, you get your gear, you drive out to the stadium. Maybe do a little tail gating. And then it’s…
I guess the consequence is that some police won’t get free tickets to a Browns game. Not sure who’s the loser there.
Brings back memories of when I was but a young lad, striving for greatness in Little League. I....wasn’t much of a hitter, and when it came down to our last game, with the post-season tournament on the line, I ended up at the plate with the tying run on third. Down to our last out, and me...ME! of the worst…
We don’t get it either.
Miami University of Ohio?
Completely outrageous.
pretty sure the stipulations were: please don’t rape anyone
Fair enough, and I usually just joke around on here, but I’m interested to see if a “fuck it whatever” season is the best season this “fuck it whatever” QB has ever had. There’s potential there.
Needless flexing of authority, wild overreaction to immigrant, old and miserable.
+1 for Dodgeball.
He’s gonna regret this one day as he’s sailing off into the horizon, where the earth ends.
IS it NECESSARY for Lebron to drink his own urine?? No, but he does it anyway because it’s sterile and he likes the taste.
Racism? At an Indians game?
The water bottle hit he ice at the same the goal was scored at the opposite end of the ice. Calm down. Also, by your logic...many a catfish thrower would be in jail by now.
CTE mood swings
But that’s not what Drew said and it’s not what the idiot OP tried to shoot down. Drew said Kaep was once within a few botched calls of winning the super bowl. Drew was right.
Exactly. The idea that someone sitting quietly—SITTING QUIETLY—is trying to draw attention to themselves has always struck me as supremely silly.
He seems... tightly wound.