It’s not a brick. This had either the lowest, or second lowest, CD of any new car when it came out.
It’s not a brick. This had either the lowest, or second lowest, CD of any new car when it came out.
Lambo V10 sounds better as well. All are quad cam screamers though (with the LFA even tuned for sound by Yamaha), vs the pushrod V10 in the viper.
Our cars don’t look like this in BC though... Even Alberta, you get sano blasting more than rust.
I doubt anyone would go for this on the provider side. I would never loan one of my bikes out to randoms — the odds of crashing it or damaging it are way higher than a car. I would imagine most rider’s feel the same.
Technically they didn’t stay in business, but yes, this was probably overacting....
This shit is like crack. You air one show and get an instant ratings spike and all the executives love you. Pretty soon you’re hooked... TLC, A&E, History. All pretty much went this way. Sad...
Interior surfaces soft and expensive feeling? Is this guy serious?
Still not much without a trained crew. Reading the manual is cool and all, but it doesn’t train you about tank tactics or strategy. These guys are probably also not constantly drilling like the guys who crew the US tanks. While still formidable, these would probably end up cannon fodder if they ever had to face equal…
I’ve never bothered. I usually buy top tier Michelins that either make treadware warranty, or get so low in the pro-rated scale that you can buy new tires on sale for a better price.
They have been a low-dollar option on ThinkPad laptops since the start of the millenium. Whenever you swipe when hooked up to a projector in a big room though there are always a few people who have that “whoa”look like it’s crazy tech.
Dude. That Imprezza looks sick.
Holds an 8-ball for when parked outside the club on South Beach.
Honda made one for their Moto GP bike for a few years.
Dude. They sell these on eBay all day long. They should have just outsourced.
If this thing actually had a Honda powertrain it would be awesome — and probably have FJ40 levels of cult following...
LOL. It’s probably bare metal from thousands of washes.
They don’t refund you by spitting out the same bill you put in? That’s retarded. You could also use this to cash in counterfeit money with little to no risk (if the lamination doesn’t get caught by the bill scanners, then I doubt they are very good).
There are lots of third party insurers out there. In BC, our insurance is only valid in the USA and Canada, so lots of guys who drive/ride to mexico get third-party coverage. As Mr. Ordinary mentions, most place let you drive through with foreign plates.
In context though, that’s got to at least be on the level of ‘cool JDM car’ in the UK.