
So basically....

Didnt their recent terms and conditions update state that you cant sue them, unless you opt-out my mailing them notification?

Why does the pic have a Giz rating of 4 stars if you are only giving it 3?

In society, everyone's opinion changes based on what best suits them, no matter what "party" you come from. If you want to see opinion change, wait 30 minutes (or 25 years in Congressional time).

I am honored by your show of wisdom.

I think that I am going to start referring to our elected representatives as "pubic servants", since they're just a bunch of d*%#s anyway. Its been decades since we have been truly represented by our elected officials.

Gracias. I already own an iPad 2, so I wonder if this is worth the splurge I would be making to get it...if not just to have an Android device to match my iOS and BBOS devices.

Best post I have read on Giz in a long while. Kudos and about 8 bazillion +1s for you.

What version of Android is this running?

Wait 3 weeks and get the new Torch. It will be worth the wait than going with a 2-year old Storm or 1.5 year old Torch.

I think we found our "Winner of all the Internets" today.

H4x!!!! Report him to Valve for cheating!

Wait wait wait....Gizmodo with an anti-RIM posting on the blog today? I *NEVER* would have predicted that.

No RCN Listed here? Thats kinda odd as they are big in DC and Chicago.

Is it just me, or should they have chosen to use "Poop Brown" for all of the colors from all parties?

You mean an airline is jacking up fees more? Who would have thought?!?!?!?

Dear Intel,

He deserves 504,000 notions of thanks for this light mural. Thats superbly awesome.

Doesnt anyone else wanna see a spin off of the Lulz Sec called "Louise Sec", with all female hackers? Except, they would only be hacking places like the central servers for Regis Salons or Hair Cuttery? Maybe the servers at Claire's Boutique or Victoria's Secret?

Being a fan of Luiz Guzman, this is one of the best pics I think I have ever seen. Now, we just need a them for the show.