
That Lance Armstrong edition would be bad-ass...

"We'd love to see you overcome your problems"....but we just won't report it when it happens.

What I wonder is: When are media companies going to start battling the ISPs over the data caps? The main reason I havent activated the 3G on my iPad yet is because one Netflix show in and I will probably bust the 2GB cap on the lowest level. Since there are very few (or no) unlimited data caps without throttling or

Green suit...brown shorts.

Actually its now hip to love RIM, because what you think is hip and fashionable it already passe, they just dont know it yet.

If we're going to talk about Don Cherry, can't we stick to his hideous wardrobe and his terrible coaching philosophy?

And dont forget the Playboy pictorial.

I spit my coffee out at the "and then Cable showed up and things got real real weird" line. Ahhh...thats the Gizmodo I know and love.

It would be funny if a Twitter conglomerate of Ashton Kutcher, Chad OchoCinco, and Justin Bieber would band together and have all their followers hit their sites at once, taking them both down.

Too little?

By straight BMI score, I'd say its close to 75% are "overweight".

Lets say that you are right, and they are just an independent group. Shouldn't the country that they are in be classified as harborer of terrorists, ala Pakistan harboring Al-Qaeda? Every time a connection is made, a trace is left...whether directly to the source, or from a proxy. Someone is going to eventually

I would love to see LulzSec hack the Westboro Baptist Church...those jackasses who protest at servicemen/women's funerals. That would be awesome.

Most insurance companies require an endoscopy and colonoscopy to be performed before they will use this though...thats the problem.

Half million and counting...

Still no Playbook. So all comparisons are useless until you add this in and make the playing field even.

I dont make 10k a I certainly see the INCENTIVE!

Uhhh...where is this unlimited "web-ing" you refer to? Pretty shoddy reporting here, Giz-ites.

While I agree with this (lack of a Blackberry app of the day/week proves it), RIM is shooting itself in the foot mostly. I am a 10-year BB user, and even I am ready to jump ship. I gave them a deadline of my B-day to release (not announce) the new full touchscreen or I am going to bolt for another OS.