
Apparently, this is "Powered by TomTom".

What, no Peanuts?

How many Lost fans have been playing that combo for 9 years? If it hits, it will get split about 40000 ways, and everyone wins about 500 bucks.

Mine all get used as the same thing...a dog toy.

Winner of the internets!

"That was the first thing to pop into my head." -Dr. Clayton Forrester

You mean without your approval and charging you $1 Million a month. They changed their can stay with it, and get throttled, or hit the bricks.

I wondered how long it would take for one of these to appear.

Im waiting for the High Orbital Idiot Cannon, so I can DDOS some idiots. :)

7 people have unfriended me on Facebook. 7 people I know have disappeared without a trace. Coincidence?

No Speedbuggy reference here? Thats very disheartening.

I forgot my password. I swear its "t0t4ln00b"...but its not working.

This Tower Defense game is pretty damn good. I have played others, but like this on the best.

If they are on the Android Market, they'll for sure be available on the Kindle App for iPad. #solved

While I respect Mr. Totilo (even enough to look up and make sure I spelled his name right), I dont believe his reported reasoning for not blacking out. I think they didnt black out because of the ad revenue the site brings in. Its the main (only?) form of revenue for Gawker Media, so why would they kill the Cow for

You know...Public Relations....flipping them the bird...

So Glazed McGuffin (if that is his real name), is from Redmond, WA. Microsoft is in Redmond, WA. Coincidence? I think not!

Arent transfers and staffing issues both a part of "working conditions"? If they're talking about how its not an issue of "workplace environmental controls", then state that. Working conditions is about as vague as you can get.

I only got Iwo Jima. I thought the first was Kennedy...