
hahahahahaha, our USB ports have been locked down for a lot longer than the software side has. We are not allowed to transfer anything onto or off of our laptops via a flash drive, and every use gets logged and sent to my boss. No thanks.

Should we also stick to hunting and farming with our bare hands? Just because we CAN do something doesn't mean it's the best way. Not saying there is anything wrong with barefoot running, or that it is bad, just that your argument is kind of weak.

Do you not consider classical, jazz, or any other instrumental pieces music? Because there is no singing there either. Music isn't about each individual part of the composition, it's about the end product.

I do not have permission to install anything on my work machine, but thankfully installed Chrome and Firefox before the lockdown. I probably won't be so lucky when I get my next computer though, and the IT guy is still new so it is tough to ask for favors yet. Apparently we are children that can't be trusted to not

Exactly, you can either expose liars or some slightly socially awkward people. I fit the second category, and I often over explain :( I believe that is also a fairly normal trait for introverted people, but I could be wrong.

Often, when I am presented a yes/no question, I like to give more than just a yes/no answer, because very few things in life are that black and white. When I'm giving more detail than just yes or no, I will often start with "Well yes, I did, blah blah blah" or "Well no, but here is why". It doesn't mean I'm lying, but

I agree, I often forget the little details like the final bill (I make sure I'm not getting overcharged, but I'm not going to commit the amount I paid to memory), or sometimes what I ordered (I can remember all of the different dishes I've had at a restaurant, I just can't remember when I had each specific dish).

Screwed by math! Damnit! I never even thought to take rounding error into account. I bet somebody got a really nice raise for figuring that out the first time.

I know that back when Consumerist was owned by Gawker, they had that Verizon article (where they were criticized, rightfully so, for doing the same thing). It seems very hypocritical to give them crap and then make the same mistake.

You needed the source link to figure that out?

Actually, in VT if you live in a townhouse/condo all of your smoke alarms need to be wired together (so setting off one sets all of them off) and all need to have continuous power. The battery is just there for a backup.

Wait, so I actually have to give credit to Motorola for implementing a useful feature in motoblur? Crap, I just wanted to continue to grumble about wanting stock android, but that is such a useful feature.

Except they give features while taking other features away, such as the ability to resell, trade, or lend the content to friends. That, to me the consumer, makes the content LESS valuable, because I don't give a damn about the special features for a movie, etc. I want to consume the main content (in the case of a

What I find annoying about cable tv is that even though I'm paying for it, I am still forced to watch ads.

You really think car thieves replace all of the VIN plates or etchings on the rest of the vehicle? They would probably just scratch it out, and since it is glass I have to believe that it could be done pretty easily.

Does this mean that you are going to stop posting empty article links in my RSS feed? Or do you only have time to play around with stuff that makes no difference to those of use that don't use the site to navigate and find articles? Do you figure that I'm already a regular reader and therefore my concerns are not

+1 hit

And what if we simply aren't in a mood to be talkative? It's not that I'm afraid to talk to people, or afraid of making an ass out of myself, it's simply that I don't feel like talking. Maybe I'm tired, maybe I just don't have anything interesting to talk about, or maybe I don't find YOU interesting enough to talk to.

When did I say you should be overprotective of your kids? I think that is just as bad as allowing your kids to go around beating up other kids at school. And just because I've never had to fight doesn't mean I'm a wimp, I am more than willing to stand up for myself if the need arises, but it hasn't been necessary yet.

There is a big difference between being a wimp and being a bully. I stand by what I said previously, if you in any way condone or encourage predatory (bully) behavior, you are not just a bad parent, but a bad person. Kids don't need to get their asses kicked to learn any valuable life lessons. I haven't had a single