
Why bitch about slavery? It existed for hundreds of years!

Yes, I have had this problem (maybe 30% of the time, it happened more when I first installed it on my stock Droid X running Gingerbread). I also dislike that on the X it is always full screen, meaning I can't see my notifications or what time it is. Not good when it is sitting in my dock and I glance up to see if I

Wait a second, how is this legal? Wouldn't this be similar to Microsoft blocking the install of Firefox or Chrome and making you use IE?

"As a developer, I can write a method/function that takes in data, and not do anything with it. "

To play devil's advocate:

Recently there was an issue at my work where people weren't on the same page regarding a part of a project, so my officemate went and asked the boss. He got reamed out for even daring to ask the question, because "everybody should already know the answer to that", even though it was clear that there was confusion.

I used to use music, but then my brain started adapting. It would just incorporate the song into whatever dream I was having, causing me to sleep through my alarm more than once. The buzzer is harsh, but I know what that sound means, even if I hate it.

I hate that they do it, but to play devil's advocate, they likely include the feature to help people that are migrating from a non-Android phone. That being said, trying to use the backup assistant ruined my contact list on my phone, so I've been very careful to never let it run again.

Droid X is not supported

Does the GS2 have a microSD card slot? Because the absence of one on the Galaxy Nexus, combined with the PenTile display have me questioning my earlier decision to buy one.

Really Gawker? Now you have 30 second ads that I have to watch just to view the article (all the text is grayed out and very hard to read)? You've jumped the shark my friend, I stayed long enough to post this, but I'll find another source for my sports info.

Too simple? We're talking about a phone that has more power and RAM than the first netbooks, and people are too simple? It's a shame that you got caught up in the megapixel wars, because a good sensor with fewer MPs can take better pictures than a crappy sensor with high MPs.

Bullshit! I've had a Droid X for a year and a half and every update has been so bug laden I've regretted updating. The last update basically just undid the update before that, leaving me with a phone that won't stop rebooting itself twice a day. That started after the gingerbread update, went away with the following

On a bike? No improvement. That wasn't the goal though. On a train, I can imagine that accessing brake lines and cables would be rather difficult, and having two isolated pieces (the lever/pressure sensor and the unit itself) could dramatically simplify maintenance, as you no longer have lots of hoses (if hydraulic)

You can't say "it always goes in this way" and then "it always goes in this way if sideways" and then follow with "but not always". It's poor writing, and nonsensical.

I have seen the Milky Way many times with my bare eye, always in pretty isolated areas, like in a little canyon area in Idaho, Martha's Vineyard, and many many times in Vermont (where I live). I am still mystified every time I get to see it really clearly and vividly.

So my friends/family without a smart phone can get email? That's a neat trick...

Except they don't just do the voice, are you not able to hear the beat/music/whateveryouwanttocallit? They (Jay Z and Kanye) created that as well.

Ha! That happens to me (though not as much anymore). I could never brush my teeth and clean my ears at the same time because of the mess it would make.