
Since I have a sedan, I wonder if it would work just as well to open the rear door on my side and open/close the drivers door. That way I don't even have to get into the car at all (or use my key).

I took a two week motorcycle trip and had 93+ degree temperatures for 7 or 8 straight days, with 8-12 hours of riding each day. That description was used many, many times.

You're absolutely right. Let's blame the victims! Do you think rape victims deserve it for not sticking up for themselves? How about the innocent gay kid that gets jumped by a group of people only for being gay? Is it his fault too?

If your kids are beating the crap out of other kids because they are weaker, then you will have failed as a parent. Predator-like behavior should never be condoned, much less encouraged.

No, not even close. Their market share is probably up near 40% now, where we are hovering around 5%. But that's fine, I'm sure my company would love to supply just 10% of Apple's demand.

Since I work for a memory company competing with Samsung, I would love for a complete break-up between Apple and Samsung. We would love the business!

why is that not in the cheat sheet!? I guess I don't really know how to do what you are talking about, mainly because I don't want to go around annoying people by testing all of these things out. It's certainly not obvious how to just send a message to somebody, though I haven't really looked around too much. Fucking

Because if you want to use it to just send a quick message that you might not want other people to necessarily see, you have to use something else, as anything you post will be at first visible to everybody. It's like sending a facebook message instead of posting on their wall, except you have to post on their wall

Well that's good, because I know a few people that might actually say the first thing, and then say the second thing when she reacts poorly to the first thing. It makes me feel uncomfortable just thinking about it haha.

It's still an incredibly cheesy/creepy thing to say to somebody that you've just started dating. Especially when she is obviously sick.

Did you ever think of reaching out to them? I know I have done this as a test for some girls, where I get tired of always being the one to initiate contact. If you can't be bothered to call/text/IM me, why should I continue to put in that much money, time, and effort when I'm not even sure you really are into me? It's

I absolutely agree that changing jobs is the best raise I've ever gotten, and that was after only 1 year of working. I almost got an 18% raise, but HR knocked it down to a 15% raise. I didn't have to waste a lot of time at the low end of the engineering pay scale, and I feel that it has put me in a much better

The only reason that my corporate email signature includes such a disclaimer is because I am required by corporate to do so. They even dictate the minimum size that the text is allowed to be.

compared to a 1080p HDTV it's not that far off. I'd say it is a fair comparison.

Exactly what I was going to say. Cable extension? What kind of cable am I extending? My PS3 has wireless controllers, a power cable, and an HDMI cable. I bought the correct size HDMI cable on monoprice, and the other stuff was included. And you don't need a bluetooth headset. You might want one, but in no way do you

And I'm saying that there is way more too it than "just" the "rush", though it might be what keeps people coming back. You never answered my question about doing something "just" for the entertainment value. What makes a physiological response to one stimulus any less worthy to that of another stimulus? Do you eat

Or until your work machine gets an update that causes the laptop to blue screen, and since you don't have admin privileges you can't do a system restore and your IT person is too busy to properly fix it, so every time you start the computer up you have to wait for it to blue screen, try to start up again, and then

What you are saying, then, is that any time you call somebody out, you have to call out everybody else that sucks in the same way? Do you realize how ridiculous that is? If somebody sucks, it's ok to call them out without worrying that you are omitting calling out somebody else that also sucks, because frankly, there

WBC is full of hate, and they are willing to protest ANYTHING in order to get noticed (like funerals). Tell me one good thing that the WBC has ever done and I would reconsider taking them off of my "fuck these guys" list.

You might have a leg to stand on if you could prove that TSA agents, as a whole, were actually competent. When you can get a gun through a body scanner, or exploit security in a myriad of ways, then "security" becomes "security theater" and doesn't really do much more than waste everybody's time and violate