
Also, this guy thinks that social security should be abolished because Noah lived to be 600 years old & never sucked from the government teat so we shouldn’t either.

Don’t forgive the early voters; he was still a creationist who believes that dinosaurs died in the Noah’s Ark flood :/

I think the mail in ballot process is why he won. When I get mine in OR, I don’t normally wait until the last day to send in ballots for hope they’ll reveal the monster - opps, sorry, not monster, loser, that they are.

Oh my God. Stop pretending to care about the safety of women. If you really cared about the safety of women, you’d open more Planned Parenthood clinics so women can have access to health care, birth control and safe abortions!

It must be bad when even the judge is fleeing the country.

I think you just picked up the “I’d ship that!” crowd.

He is literally everything the GOP claims to hate.

He knew. And he knew he was about to be voted out in Indiana. It was his and Mother’s best bet.

Anyone who has been to AC in the past few decades could have told you that Trump would burn everything to the ground for his own benefit.

It all makes sense when you understand she is just an x-ray of Ann Coulter.

So, basically Trump is like the person in high school who goes and tells the gossip of a friend to the “cool kids”he’s trying to impress. So, now his friend hates him and the cool kids he’s trying to impress still talk shit about him behind his back. But, he thinks he’s like totally IN with the cool kids. I mean they

Right?! And c’mon. You just know this douche is an Asian fetishist. That’s *still* racism you weaselfart!

For a guy who thinks his cause is a righteous one, he is sure a whiny baby.

This idea sounds like a nightmare to stock in stores, assuming retailers even bother to carry the alternatively shaped bottles.

Friendly English Lit reminder: the point of this quote is not that Juliet is wondering where Romeo is. Rather, the “wherefore art thou” is meant as “WHY are you Romeo Montague,” as in, “I really wish you were from literally any other family.”

“why are cops killing black people a bigger issue than blacks killing black people?”

The poor maids probably made the lemonade they were coerced to buy back.

“You’re the first daughter of the United States, and you’re also an assistant to the president,” the moderator, WirtschaftsWoche editor-in-chief Miriam Meckel, said. “The German audience is not that familiar with the concept of a first daughter. I’d like to ask you, what is your role, and who are you

“As good fortune would have it, we had a bodyguard that summer,” she writes. They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.” The lesson, she says, is that the kids “made the best of a bad situation.”