Someone else mentioned this in a comment on a different article, but the media needs to stop asking multi-faceted questions. Short, simple, direct questions with no follow up in the same question are the only way to go.
Someone else mentioned this in a comment on a different article, but the media needs to stop asking multi-faceted questions. Short, simple, direct questions with no follow up in the same question are the only way to go.
Please don’t forget:
Meanwhile, the actual Satanic Temple has begun a campaign to protect children from corporal punishment and psychological abuse in public schools (and presumably by extension, prisons), with the emphasis that their religion explicitly considers Not Being Assaulted to be a religious right.
Reporters cannot ask him multipart questions, it makes it WAY too easy to dodge. I can’t imagine how tempting it is to ask a whole litany of questions in your one turn but the fact that he could sidestep the question about whether his staff had contact with Russia is unacceptable.
Nothing witty, I just hope he fucking dies.
He’s not wrong. CNN proved they were fake news by putting Corey Lewandowski on the payroll and having a paid shill for Trump constantly legitimizing him on their network. Jeff Zucker is partly responsible for this.
A veteran criminal gang with 3 women and a 72 year old master counterfeiter? Can we get a show about them? They sound infinitely more interesting than the Kardashians.
Cheers to Jay for throwing something correctly.
I think this Tiffany shit with the name imprinted on it is so tacky that I blush when I see someone wearing it, out of sheer embarrassment for them. I feel the same way about every overpriced piece of logo shit, which probably makes me the last dinosaur on earth to feel this way.
I don’t call the police for anything, ever. Car’s been broken into? They won’t respond because the monetary value is less than $3000. My ex is sending me threats because I don’t want to keep his stuff forever? They’d probably side with him. Some guy follows me home from the bar? They take 30 minutes to show up, at…
Yup. Burchard-Risch’s decision not to even apologize in court for her behavior seems to indicate she’s an asshole who also happens to be struggling with alcohol addiction.
According to CBS, her attorney said that the woman isn’t a “lunatic” or a “racist,” but someone with an “alcohol problem.” Burchard-Risch, meanwhile, had nothing to say, either to Jama or to the court.
As an FYI, thousands of Mormons (myself included) have been calling the church’s Public Affairs office and demanding that the Tabernacle Choir back out. As a tithe-paying, magic-underwear-wearing member in good standing, it’s pretty profoundly embarrassing.
Yeah, it’s almost as if you have to think more deeply about what the phrase means instead of taking it at its most literal interpretation. Like a university student.
Delta sucks as an airline and has shown its ass in the news recently, but the words “YouTube Prankster” are among the worst in the English language. Team Meteor Strike.
When I was in music school, one of the opera professors had an article on his door about Bocelli and how when he debuted at the Met, people couldn’t hear him beyond the second row. BECAUSE HE IS NOT AN OPERA SINGER.
Who would choose OU over Penn? I was going to go to an Ivy, but then I got into OU and just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to live in Norman, OK for the next 4 years.
This is fucking awful and though she did it to herself, she’s such a pathetic figure. I really wish it was James F. Tracy sitting there instead of her. He’s probably too smart to leave threatening voicemails across state lines, but thinks nothing of inciting nutjobs to harass grieving families.