My immediate thought was of Franz Ferdinand.
My immediate thought was of Franz Ferdinand.
Frank Drebin: “When I see five weirdos in togas stabbing someone in broad daylight, I shoot the bastards.”
THIS IS NOT NORMAL. I thought watching chuck todd’s pie eating grin in the lobby of Trump tower was an embarrassment to journalism, but this is just on a whole other level.
Thanks, “reporters”!
Fuck this dudes mom
Not to get all Godwin-y but there was another guy who liked to do big rallies all the time.
The problem is less what he says at these stupid fucking rallies than the fact that he’s having them at all.
It’s because they are black. We are expected to forgive and be kind even though that courtesy is never extended to us. If you look at news conferences or reports where a black person has been killed extra-judiciously or in one of these racist attacks, one of the first things the family is asked is “do you forgive the…
Why do you think it’s a comparison to 1945 hitler versus a 1933 hitler?
Right, and when people compare Trump to Hitler are looking at the political transitions that allowed that brutality to take place, which are frighteningly similar. We’ve seen this before, we’ve seen it not only in Germany, but we’ve seen it in the US. The Hitler comparisons are not as hyperbolic as some seem to think.
“ Ben Carson ... who thinks the pyramids were Biblical granaries” - Not being overtly hollow would be a pretty big oversight in the design spec of a granary. It makes me wonder if he’s clear on the basic elements of three dimensional space like, two objects can not occupy the same space at the same time. Yeah, let’s…
Sounds like a company Tom Haverford came up with
I saw Morgan in a show at Helium here in PDX, he was incredible.
Why not both? Separately and then together.
I’m sorry, but who among us would not fuck Harrison Ford, especially Han Solo-Harrison Ford? It is for this reason (as well as murder Hitler when he was just a shitty art student, and someone else I won’t mention in case the Feds are watching) I would build a fucking time machine. To fuck Han Solo/Raiders of the Lost…
Oh my god, your user name is giving me life.