Yea, if you can’t out-wit Ryan Lochte (the man who couldn’t remember what the parts of a shoe were called) you do not deserve to be on the news.
Yea, if you can’t out-wit Ryan Lochte (the man who couldn’t remember what the parts of a shoe were called) you do not deserve to be on the news.
Of all the things that make me angry about Breitbart, the thing that is making me the most irrationally angry is this snippet:
Drumpf offered policy specifics for the inner cities: he called for a revitalized Motor City, with “factories everywhere” and “new roads and bridges” as well as “new schools—especially schools.”
Fuck Judge Gary Gilman. This woman’s death is on your hands asshole. And as usual incompetent men won’t suffer consequences while this woman is now dead.
Only a shitty person would consider working for Trump. Any decent human would tell him to fuck right off.
Yep, that’s why no man ever has been raped, no drugs have ever been used to limit people’s ability to fight back, and rape is solely a thing that occurs in a dark alley when a tiny defenseless woman is attacked by a big strong man!
I consider myself fairly competent (Others may disagree). But those things- the bagging alone makes me lose my mind. You put a bag down to put something in “Remove the last item” no.. but “We have notified someone to assist you”.
My eyebrows will never recover from being a teen in the ‘00s.
People just couldn’t get enough of Eliot Spitzer’s hit show . . . what was the name of it again?
I think the term “sex addiction” is used a bit generously in say, a garden-variety Hollywood caught-banging-the-nanny scandal. But this fuckin’ guy seems to be literally unable to stop doing the exact same moronic thing, over and over again, and it has cost him a Congressional seat, a shot at mayor of NYC, and now…
TRYING NOT TO BREED SUPER BUGS THATS WHAT. It’s like immune system boot camp.
antibacterial soap is bad for you since it leads to superbacteria. what’s with your smugness?
Why would the Devil even want that rotting, refurbished merkin’s soul?
Thank god I’m a librarian. The day they enforce a ban on Easy Spirit shoes and threadbare cardigans is the day I turn in my retirement papers.
Seems a little weird/creepy to me.
Can we stop using “pussy” as a word to mean weak though? My vagina has birthed three god damn kids.
White men getting offended over other people getting offended is the most pussy shit of all. Just fucking get over it.
I mean, they’re right, but his oratory skills are special. Extraordinary. Comparing her oratory skills to Bush or McCain or Romney would be a more fair comparison.