
so shit head recommends shit head to shit heads who were already wetting themselves over said shit head.

The Flint water scandal feels like it should be bigger news. A governor and his hand picked city manager poisoned, and possibly killed, people in the name of “fiscal conservatism.” This should be the leading story on the nightly news and on cable news until Snyder is arrested.

Mindymoo, everytime I think about the travesty of justice that was thrust upon Brendan, me heart breaks. Still. I still think of that interview where he just wanted to get back to class, as he had a project due.

He was so wonderful in this- he played the older admirer so well, with this kind of melancholy grace, admiring her youth and loveliness without being creepy. I found it very touching.

After all this time, Alan.

I would never hit a woman, but can I pay another woman to hit this one? Or is that morally grey?

like I said, bad (very bad) copy work. The sun is in about 5 different places based on the shadows on their faces. It is incredible.

1. The term “doctor” for an academic predates, by hundreds of years, the arrogation of the the term medical doctor by doctors. Before we had “doctors” we pretty much had physicians and surgeons, the former of which dreamt up really weird treatments, and the latter of which were regarded as grave robbers. tl; dr: The

It’s her! She’s pregnant!

Hi, normal lurker, first time commenter, and German.

One of my former editors was (is?) good friends with Dr. Zizmor.

Please keep doing that. Smile, say hello, ask how they are doing... As a Muslim woman I can tell you we appreciate that act more than you know. I’ve only had a few instances of someone saying something nasty to me in public but lately what I notice more is people looking away. They pull away and look away and the vibe

You described this so much better than I did. Oh my gosh, when he was thinking about the modern workplace I was horrified to be in complete agreement. And the end gave me chills.

I’ve read the book it’s based on, and it’s pretty clearly satire about celebrity culture and the public’s willingness to go along with even the most heinous viewpoints for the sake of trendiness or kitsch. There’s a lot of resonance with Trump’s campaign and people who find it entertaining or who are supporting him

Seriously though, this whole article is so badly misinformed that I don’t even know where to start, from the wrongly translated quote to the wrongly summarised intentions of this satirical movie right down to using a video clip with completely false subtitles, this whole thing is truly maddening. Now I know how Asian

The close-caption of that clip does not even come close to the actual dialog. It doesn’t make sense at all. I dont know who did this, but you even fail to mention that the second part of the clip is a montage from a completely different movie (‘Der Untergang’), an Oscar nominated film from 2004. If by this article,

Well as a german, who has actually seen this movie I have to say, that (imho) it’s actually not downplaying Hitler or the Nazis in any way. Yes, its a comedy, but when you watch it, your laughter gets stuck in your throat. It’s more of a comedic way of showing, that Hitler or better his ideology is in fact not dead

You cannot really have misunderstood this.

So she asked for what seems like a reasonable accommodation, got it, and things were fine. Then one of her coworkers complained, and she got fired.