Krombopulos Michael

That’s exactly what I was thinking. Fiercely red Republican anti-regulation Kansas going, “What’s The Matter With Kids Beheaded On Unsafe Rides”? This is your free-market libertarian bullshit nihilism at work. But I suppose if this poor child’s horrible violent death because of frauds and criminally negligent

Ok please explain what her publicly shared plan of action is in regards to the opioid crisis. What thoughts has she expressed besides this joke since she has be designated to take this on.

Sometimes people just say stupid shit. This was stupid. I agree that it’s not “so bad” in that it’s not actual policy... but it’s still pretty stupid.

Put down the Molly and grab some Wendy’s.

How do I reach these keeeeeeeds?

The specialest effect of all is making RDJ look as tall as Pratt.

Do I need to see any of the last sixteen to get this movie?

Good thing we never had a moral panic ever again.

Oh hurray. She deserves all the good things ever after everything she’s been through.

I was shocked how bad Spectre turned out. That had the potential to be great, we finally get the return of Bond’s greatest nemesis, and they pretty much ruined it. On top of all that, the song sucked too. 

Considering how terrible Spectre was, this might be a good thing. Especially if Cillian Murphy plays the villain.

Hopefully, a fresh take by Boyle will end that. I’m excited to see what he brings to the franchise.


BREAKING: POTUS to pardon Martin Shkreli, appoint him successor to Gary Cohn

John Landis is a well known helicopter parent...

Aww shucks.

For the record, I’m referring to carnivoran mammals of the family Ursidae, not big hairy gay dudes.

go to Miami next month and watch in person

I refuse to watch 45 seconds of Milo Yiannopoulos doing anything except being mauled by a bear.