Krombopulos Michael

optimus_rhyme to Join POTUS’S Legal Team

Please never vote again.

They were burned up on the launching pad of Michael B. Jordan’s career.

Hot take: I don’t care for Jon Hamm or his work, especially given his history as a sadistic frat boy who was kicked out of school for beating the shit out of a pledge.

BREAKING: POTUS to pardon Martin Shkreli, appoint him successor to Gary Cohn

“Both sides are equally bad because South Park said so” - a frustrating number of idiots

JFC. Gross bastard probably pisses sunflower yellow.

Bye, Fieri

Oh man. Good thing you chimed in, cuz I’d have been REALLY lost.

*cue the “this is why Trump won” Libertarian dudebros*

Us Gromflomites ought to lead some kind of revolt.

Jr. looks like he’s wearing a fucking mouth guard. What is it with the Trumps and dentures? Use your billions and gold-plate a couple of toothbrushes to put in your bathrooms, you fucking trash-people.

Mira and Ashley lose 2 decades of decent work, and for audiences to appreciate it, and this fucking scumbag is the victim.

Haven’t seen Nate in a while, so I’ll do it.

“Greedy Dems led by Slimy Schumer and Petty Pelosi FORCED these mean, mean FCC rules on Country. Proves Trump RIGHT!!!”

His shit-eating smile makes me want to shove a SWAT-style battering ram into it.

I hope so. He’s been making waves since his Emmy win. I’d really love to see him as Carnage.

I’m a fan of Riz Ahmed and Michelle Williams so I have some hope for this project. But I completely understand and support your disdain for it.

The kicker: this dumbass stays in office the rest of his fucking life, given that for white Republican voters, his staggering stupidity pales in comparison to his Democratic opponents’ heathen/libtard ways.