Krombopulos Michael

All signs point to that Juszkiewicz being a dictatorial idiot (like Trump), who has made a host of bad decisions that have brought the once-proud company to the brink of ruin. Once he has been ousted — at long last — maybe the firm can find its footing again. Les Paul would want it to!

Did anyone else pickup the pun in the headline?

People have been lamenting their quality control for years now. They also put a lot of money into the robot tuners that nobody liked, there are many more affordable options out there, and there has been a substantial decrease in young people interested in playing guitars.

Totally fine. D’arcy is the least essential member of the original line-up. Jimmy’s drums are so key, and James’ second guitar is underrated.

That made me laugh, and yes, I am a terrible person.

He was found hanging from a tree. Probably by Logan Paul.

Or How about JAWS, a Richard Kiel biopic?

Starred for your parenthetical.

Art is limitless, but I suspect the only Indiana Jones movie Harrison Ford should be appearing in at this point is one in which Ford only appears in the bookend scenes, reminiscing about that one early adventure he had back in the 1920s, with a new actor (not Pratt) portraying him then and henceforth.

Never been, but my Republican family members all say that everyone gets killed in Chicago.

It says a lot about you when you write a manifesto about one throwaway line about Star Wars in an article that’s about what someone named their kid.

I agree with you. The AVC is being too selective about their mocking of TLJ’s victims. We need a comprehensive take-down of every kind of sensitive
 fan who didn’t like the film.

Hello. Yes, I would. This is code for “see him naked,” yes? (See him naked again that is.)

If it wasn’t for the AV Club I probably still wouldn’t have any idea who this guy is.

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”

I hate his face. I fucking hate it. The image above fills me with so much rage and loathing that I want to scream and ugly cry until someone wakes me from this awful dream. This is no way to live.

I was having a pretty good day today. I’d aborted over a dozen babies, I’d gotten a couple of conservative co-workers fired for “hate speech”, and so for lunch I decided to visit Wendy’s. Not to purchase any food—like my fellow elites I only eat artisan kale salads prepared by women in hijabs— but rather to mock the

I’m still here! (Sort of) I lost my Scrawler name in the transition and I can’t get out of the fucking grays, so I hardly ever come around anymore. But I did happen to decide to pay a visit randomly just 20 minutes after this story posted. My Hardy sense must have been tingling ...

RIP scrawler

Venom is a totally lame, everyone!