Krombopulos Michael

Uh, Lexcorp much, Webhead?

Fuck him, he’s totally screwed up Fuller House. No Olsen twins? How rude.

So you’re the reason for Wikipedia had to edit this...

“Both sides are equally bad because South Park said so” - a frustrating number of idiots

So, how many voted for Bart Simpson and School Sucks?

JFC. Gross bastard probably pisses sunflower yellow.

Abraham Lincoln started the day at 6:00 AM with an egg and a cup of coffee, and then he went to fucking work. Jesus, I hope Trump gets debilitating type 2 diabetes and loses his baby-sized fingers and toes.

I don’t blame him for drinking a lot of Diet Coke in his situation; if I had a button for someone to bring me coffee I would die from it in the first hour.

I...I like this guy.

Bye, Fieri

Finally, someone with a valid Star War complaint.

I feel like his head is the wrong shape to play Solo.

Why on earth would you want to do that?

Just after I talked shit about him on the AV Club!

Though I have long believed that christians are among the most hypocritical double-speaking hatefully divisive liars on the planet, what with their bullshit rhetoric that’s in direct opposition to their actions, I was still surprised at how ecstatically and almost unequivocally they’ve supported Trump (twice divorced,

Now playing

I got your agility and stamina right here...

This Halloween — Get Off His Lawn!

We need a wave of hard leftists in office. Take this shit, reverse it, and then go even further. Use every dirty tactic and manipulative loophole to do it.

“It’s full of STARS!”