Krombopulos Michael

Rainn Wilson: “OK, I accept!”

Which translates to: Libertarian dudebros are triggered snowflakes who can’t handle being the butt of a joke.

*cue the “this is why Trump won” Libertarian dudebros*

Jr. looks like he’s wearing a fucking mouth guard. What is it with the Trumps and dentures? Use your billions and gold-plate a couple of toothbrushes to put in your bathrooms, you fucking trash-people.

Intresting study in dental diversity. Cruz has dozens of little lamprey teeth while the other guy appears to have one single solid tooth, as though his upper and lower mandibles have fused into one enamel plate.

Service Democracy Soon

This isn’t funny, this is fucking scary. The Republican Party has mutated and twisted into an authoritarian death-cult willing to lay waste to truth, democracy, the rule of law, and anything else that stands in the way of permanent one-party kleptocratic rule. The “arguments”, the deliberate warping of language, that

It was also all about cool guys doing cool stuff in a cool place as cool as possible and I fear this film will de-emphasize the coolness factor.

Mira and Ashley lose 2 decades of decent work, and for audiences to appreciate it, and this fucking scumbag is the victim.

Wow I’m psychic, but this was like predicting the sun would rise tomorrow.

God, about damn time. 

To be honest, consider what Simmons himself has bragged about in public, I’m surprised it took this long for him to get sued.

I have a sneaking feeling Quentin Tarrantino is going to cook up some kind of Hollywood revenge pic specifically starring blacklisted actresses.

Are you fucking kidding me? Hilary’s not perfect, but even with any flaws she as, she’s a saint compared to the greedy, racist, corrupt, capitalist, sexually harassing, war-profiteering jack-ass known as Donald Trump, and unlike him, she at least knows how a government/democracy works. And you can be damn sure Net

Haven’t seen Nate in a while, so I’ll do it.

Urge to kill ... rising ...

oh, you’re one of those “Libertarian” morons who’s just a chickenshit Republican.

Sorry, but that would just be a remake of the British comedy “Do Shut Up”.

Joel McHale would be one of the upper floor tools who has to “slum it” down in IT.

There’s no reason a US version of the IT Crowd couldn’t work, but casting Joel McHale as a basement dwelling nerd shows a thorough misunderstanding of what the show is.