Krombopulos Michael

“Greedy Dems led by Slimy Schumer and Petty Pelosi FORCED these mean, mean FCC rules on Country. Proves Trump RIGHT!!!”

How about the guy who gave him the job?

His shit-eating smile makes me want to shove a SWAT-style battering ram into it.

Is there anything more hateable than some corporate lackey who acts all whacky while he robs the American people?

Ajit Pai is a fuckboy.

It’s funny how Ajit Pai is a person of color, he’s Indian, and his parents are immigrants, and yet he’s sided with the exact kind of ultra-conservative groups and policies that actively work against people like him, as well as ordinary working-class people in general. He’s a traitor, not just to Barack Obama, but to

That’s because the jokes aren’t inspired by the need to communicate and connect, like those of actual good comedians. They’re inspired by the need to troll their imagined enemies.

This mother fucker is like the Big Bang Theory took human form and I HATE IT SO MUCH. Fucking millennial focus-grouped dad joke. Goddamn AI built by a community college fraternity.

It’s always interesting to watch conservatives attempt humor. The references are almost always hilariously out of date, the attempts at self-deprecation are usually painfully forced, and it comes across like they decided to improv the first take and then felt it was comedy gold that couldn’t be topped. It’s like

Stacey Dash has her cell phone ringer cranked to the max and has changed the ringtone to In the Air Tonight.

Tinfoil Hat Theory:

“Hmm... how about we compromise and call it 6-3/5 months?”
-At least 11 states.

Sorry, it’s easy to forget he exists.

He fired her because black people voted for Doug Jones.

*pssst* he’s doing a bit

Here are several well-reasoned arguments why repealing Net Neutrality regulations are a bad idea:

You mean when the internet was like 5 websites, low res boob pics, and BBS games? Yeah good thing they didn’t regulate that - oh wait there was no point because there was also no money being made on the internet.

When did Ajit Pai get a Kinja account?

If you’re not in favor of Net Neutrality, than fuck you. I mean, seriously, kill yourself. You are an enemy of humanity, and you need to just jump off the nearest fucking bridge.  I’m sorry if my words are harsh, but again, fuck you.

The kicker: this dumbass stays in office the rest of his fucking life, given that for white Republican voters, his staggering stupidity pales in comparison to his Democratic opponents’ heathen/libtard ways.