Watching the election returns... [Hrrmm]
Watching the election returns... [Hrrmm]
I’ve already purchased a fifth of Cap. Morgan for tonight, in preparation for what’s sure to be another hugely disappointing, demoralizing, infuriating Alabamian election result.
On the bright side, double recommends!
Fucking double-posting kinja bullshit... And OF COURSE now I can’t edit or delete it.
James Woods wouldn’t have been subtle. He’s enough of a egotistical asshole to have screamed the “warning” from the rooftops live via satellite on Fox & Friends
If you can’t see it coming towards you, it’s gonna be really funny when it hits.
Was it James Woods? I bet it was James Woods.
That actor’s name? You guessed it... Frank Stallone.
Like they need an excuse.
I’m not surprised. Accounts of Homme being an asshole come about Like Clockwork.
I guess you could say his feet... didn’t fail him.
Damn. This seems like the kind of incident that conservatives will forever use to justify casual racism and forgiveness of every racist thing Trump ever farts.
Ok Bill Cosby.
Glad to hear I am not the only one who *hated* that scene. I get its a disaster movie and people will die, but it seemed so unnecessarily cruel.
That scene was so fucking weird. It would have been over the top comical in the context of some Sharknado type movie, but instead it’s placed in the middle of this one, which I think we’re supposed to be taking at least semi-seriously, and just comes off as downright cruel.
“no one remembers a damn thing about it other than there were dinosaurs and people running from those dinosaurs, and that one of them was Bryce Dallas Howard in high heels. You may also recall some sort of scene where Chris Pratt leads a velociraptor motorcycle gang that you possibly hallucinated.”
Though not a “badass” in the traditional sense, Stewart did wonder playing villanious against type in Green Room last year.
As a Parks & Rec fan, I thought the message repeated over and over again was that Ron was a good, compassionate person with an honorable personal code of ethics, but his libertarianism, when applied to actual government, would be... Not great.