Goddamn do I miss Disqus.
Goddamn do I miss Disqus.
It’s terrifying how day-to-day this shit is. This garbage excuse for a president, human being, and man can keep making comments like this and it’s only going to bolster the minimum amount of supporters he needs to make through the rest of his term (and probably a second.)
Donald Trump’s The Seven Most Beautiful Adjectives You Can’t Use on Twitter
Well shit, I can’t be sure but I think I saw him at a cafe in Burbank a while back. He was alone, despondent, and probably thinking of reasons why Jews, blacks, and browns were the reason why he had no friends with him. I’m brown and he gave me a brief stare-down as I passed.
Oh boy, here I go wantin’ to kill fans again!
I really hate that this badass superhero team that I adored as a child keeps getting shitty movie adaptations that never really seem to do it justice. These characters keep getting jerked around and whored out by movie execs who have no idea what the fuck they’re doing.
He has his dad’s hands. Bleh.
Ayo! Fellow Flintie here. And I feel you. The entire state lost my faith last year.
I appreciate it! FUCK KINJA.
T4ken: Given
“If Obama did this liberals would be throwing a parade!!!!!!!!!111!!1!!”
Who has a higher punchability factor: TJ Miller or Miles Teller?
I wanna punch 60 million people repeatedly in the face.
This articles pairs well with the DACA news I’ve just heard. And by “well” I mean “lol fuck everything and everyone that’s caused this entire goddamned situation let’s just sweep Trump and all his loyal supporters into Florida and put a huge inescapable plastic dome around it and wipe our hands of this cancer of a…
Three things.
I am not fond of this shit.
Disclosure: My list may not be totally accurate. I’m just naming off others who I loved hearing from on Disqus and haven’t seen yet on Kinja. It’s possible MLA is around, just haven’t seen her.
I’ve never seen an episode of this show, but I’ll be sure to watch the fuck outta season 3. Green Room and Blue Ruin are the shizzle.
In memoriam: